Guys need to be careful!

I debated on saying something in a thread or not but I think it should be said, Guys really need to be careful about openly discussing the site in a club, I was at the club the other day and sitting next to me couple seats over were 2 gentlemen off our site that were openly discussing their adventures off here, if your going to discuss your adventures at least be more discreet about it and not loud enough that everyone around you can hear, hell I could of been anyone( TABC, LE) who knows, I found out way more than I needed to by over hearing ( I was not eavesdropping) I did not have to. So guys be careful!! I know this site is no secret and is on everyones radar , but (come on man) !

nuglet's Avatar
Wow, go figger, guys in a titty club discussing hookers and where to find them.. NO WAY!
Like LE, TLBC and every monger isn't aware of this source. And I thought BP, Craigs, ER, and and and were the only sources..
Give me a break dirk. Who the fuck cares if guys are discussing eccie in a club. You act like it's a big secret that every law office doesn't know about.

Mods can you close and delete this thread.
So what. Even if you're sitting in the middle of an LE convention simply Talking about fucking hookers won't get you busted. In fact some of the lurking mongers here are likely cops who partake. How many entertainers publicly brag about misdemeanor behavior without any concern?

Now openly brag about having committed a felony like many dumb criminals and you're asking for trouble. While they can't charge you without evidence you certainly will become a person of interest.

Mods can you close this thread. why should I give a fuck then? gotta love tough guys behind computers. Originally Posted by dirkd69
Where the hell did that come from? No reason to pout.
They're just letting you know it's no big deal. That doesn't mean their walking around with ECCIE Tshirts with "I pay Hookers for sex" on the front.

Mods can you close and delete this thread. Originally Posted by dirkd69
You've been a member since 2010. I would have thought your skin would be thicker than this by now.
Pouting? oh hell never mind. I started this thread as a be careful some folks get careless with shit and it brings the whole site in light, but yall seem to see it differently, so be it I have requested the mods delete the thread..
Skin is Cody. I must correct you though , I have been around here since 2001 ASPD days.

My feelings have been hurt by all the negative comments, lol naw im good..
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
This guy believes he's doing us a favor and you fuckers shit all over him. Ease up, dudes.
Qziz's Avatar
  • Qziz
  • 08-14-2012, 02:15 PM
I agree with the OP, a lot of people in the hobby are way too indiscreet in public. The last thing I want when hitting on a stripper is being connected to a bunch of guys who post on "eck-ie".
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 08-14-2012, 02:17 PM
I can close it, but not delete it.
