All web ads etc may soon require Photo ID and no euphemisms or codewords

Federal Proposal To Stop Child Trafficking by eliminating all adult ads by making so complex to comply with the new law.

7/2/2014- Hosts of online adult ads would be required to review ads before publication and obtain a government-issued photo ID from the person who created the ads and any people appearing in them.

Stop Advertising Victims of Exploitation (SAVE) Act passed the House in May and now introduced in the Senate

The legislation also would require a valid telephone number and credit card number from those persons and "prohibit the use of euphemisms and codewords" in ads, as well as outlaw the use of prepaid debit cards or cryptocurrencies in placing paid ads.

Recordkeeping of those individuals would need to be maintained for a minimum of seven years and operators would have to make them "available to the [U.S.] Attorney General, any designee of the Attorney General, the attorney general of a state, and any designee of the attorney general of a state for inspection at all reasonable times."

Failure to maintain records or making false entries would result in five-year sentences and fines starting at $250,000 per violation. Repeat offenders could get up to 15 years and $500,000 fines.

Violators also could have their real or personal property seized and forfeited; gross proceeds also would be subject to seizure.

The bill's broad language could effectively put a crimp in every aspect of online advertising or social networking, including the self-promotion of adult performers who use Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.

It also could be problematic for user-generated content, including adult tube sites, that host high volumes of content and have little to no control over what users decide to upload.

Further, operators of online classified ad sites would have a strong disincentive to create categories for “adult” ads or to do any sort of pre-screening of user-uploaded content, in order to avoid obtaining knowledge that they are hosting adult advertising.

Operators also would be likely to take down any content that is reported to them as being an adult advertisement, rather than risk prosecution for continuing to host flagged content.

Stop Advertising Victims of Exploitation Act of 2014 or the SAVE Act of 2014 - Amends the federal criminal code to prohibit advertising of commercial sex acts involving a minor or an individual engaged in such an act through force, fraud, or coercion.

In order to SAVE children it makes all ads comply with the record keeping requirements.
Cpalmson's Avatar
It would probably run a foul of the 1st Amendment for too broad of language.
It would probably run a foul of the 1st Amendment for too broad of language. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
Probably, the section about the "code words" would violate the 1st. Don't know about the requirement for positive ID of those advertising. And, the Senate has not added their form of poison to this, yet. They could strip out the code words.

Random thoughts popping into my head on this:

1) Being based in Canada, this may temporarily raise the value and cachet of P411. However, ownership will have to double and treble tbeir efforts to make sure no underage providers advertise there.....lest they become accused of international underage trafficking.
I like P411 very much. I would hate to see them targeted. But, if they are the last player standing , they will be.

2) If sites like ECCIE and TER and Backpage are required by law to collect photo ID for ads placed.......and post an ad.......can't local police subpoena that info? With the names and addresses of the players, can't they be more easily tracked, observed, and arrested?

3) I've been involved in this activity now for about 3 years. I tend to go back to 3 or 4 ladies much more frequently than seek out new talent. But, I can see a possible advantage to making a series of new aquaintances so that one has a list of ladies to see when advertising is prohibited.

4) Do ladies value their regular clients at all? It would seem to me that having a group of guys who return again and again would be safer than "pounding the pavement", metaphorically speaking. It would also be one way of combatting this law. I'm really curious to hear the ladies thoughts on this.

5) In my 3 years of hobbying, I have heard rumors of UTR ladies, but never met one. To me, they're kinda like Bigfoot or Nessie. It seems to me that this law would force all providers UTR. Since I will no longer be able to meet new ladies......because they're UTR and I won't know how to contact them.....I'll have to keep seeing the ladies I've already seen. That is, the ones that don't just quit because of this.
5) In my 3 years of hobbying, I have heard rumors of UTR ladies, but never met one. To me, they're kinda like Bigfoot or Nessie. It seems to me that this law would force all providers UTR. Since I will no longer be able to meet new ladies......because they're UTR and I won't know how to contact them.....I'll have to keep seeing the ladies I've already seen. That is, the ones that don't just quit because of this. Originally Posted by hgritstoo
I guess you could say I was UTR for years and didn't even know it. Back when Yahoo and other chatrooms were active it was easy to find a lonely white collar professional married man, be extra friendly, suck some dick, and get a bill paid. I think that is what I'm going to go back to.
Cpalmson's Avatar
If this became law, Facebook would fill the void. Facebook pages aren't ads, and I've met several "providers" off of Facebook. It is where all the UTRs will go.

BTW, UTRs do exist and they are really the best.
Now that I think about it, I was UTR from 2001 to 2005...and didn't even realize it. I got my official online providing start in 2006....but I was really providing UTR from 2001 to 2005. I found my clients via Yahoo, phone chat lines and word of mouth.
Audrey Astor's Avatar
They have already begun this process. The DOJ is having banks close debit cards/credit cards that are used on Backpage. This is writing on the wall to me...
mm-good's Avatar
Thank you to OP for bringing this up. I was not aware!

I think this is another unfortunate form of censorship using the common good as a guise to further encroach on your civil liberties.

Get used to it. The internet has been and will continue to be used to create a more managed society by those who are in power.

Since we cannot seem to figure out a better way to stop the atrocities that do happen, it looks like the best answer we have is to create laws that will have ramifications of a completely unknown proportion.

By no means do I support trafficking or any version of a persIn being used by another in any form or fashion against their own free will. it goes without saying that this would include any form of intimate relations with minors.

Unfortunately, I think that by making this law, the proponents will drive those who are responsible for the criminal acts further underground. A moral victory might be claimed but it will still go on unseen as it was before...

Yes, it will curb demand in the short term but there are so many technologies and methods available I do not see a way to legislate the problem away.

Perhaps it is finally time to legally recognize sex work as not only a legitimate profession, but a legal one. If this were actually the case, I can easily see a level of collaboration and effort from the core of the "hobby community" against this type of activity well beyond any effort that this type of legislation could ever muster.

Till then, Maybe this means those who participate in the hobby will have to remember what it was like in the "old days" before the interwebs to a time when you had trusted personal referrals - maybe not as quick and convenient but effective...

Play safe, smart and choose wisely !
pyramider's Avatar
Good luck with it ... it will prove to be too cumbersome.
mm-good's Avatar
Probably right, so maybe we. Go back to smoke signals

... Most likely though will be an improved tech that circumvents the issue
James1588's Avatar
First Amendment? Don't make me laugh.

It's not as if Our Supervisors have to care what the poor old dead Constitution says, or doesn't say. They simply ignore it. Year after year, they do what the Constitution doesn't say they can do ("enumerated powers," anyone?), and the people don't overthrow them because they don't care, and besides, "Dancing With the Stars" is on one channel, and the NFL's on another one, and ... yawn! So, year after year, they get more brazen about ignoring it.

Effectively, we have no constitution. It is, as Gee-Dub's supposed to have said, "just a goddam piece of paper," and they have the guns. "Constitution? We don' need no steenkin' constitution!"

[End of rant. Let's all get back to getting naked and getting it on, while we can.]
Prostitution is not a free speech issue, it is a criminal issue.

The focus should be on challenging the law on privacy grounds as in Lawrence vs Texas the more recent adult win in the 5th Circuit. Lawyers ready to start a declaratory action at the 9th circuit but needs $100k+ in funding.

Useless to try and get legislatures to change laws with the sham of human trafficking, the conservatives wanting to run our lives as well as religious and some feminist groups (all prostitutes are abused and need to be rescued mentality).

Most of the world has no problem with private consenting adults sex lives, although pressure is mounting in many countries to "save the children" by arresting consenting adults and "happy hookers" whose fear is not about customers but being kidnapped and exploited by police and the FBI.