West Texas is big so ???????????????

Where should a gal visit?
San Angleo?

Just wondering... I am ready to a trip after Christmas..
Abilene? ???? Didn't mean to leave you out..
bozo124578's Avatar
Amarillo PLEASE!!!!
Hey Hey I will be stopping somewhere between OKC and Amarillo... Elk City? Is that the place to stop??
Chica Chaser's Avatar
You do know that El Paso is part of Texas...yes?
There seems to be a line running between all the cities you mentioned and no visitors venture west of there.

You may want to post this in the Powder Room as many ladies make the big circle in W TX . Just let everyone know your schedule well ahead of time as just showing up and hoping has not worked out for most.

Where should a gal visit?
San Angleo?

Just wondering... I am ready to a trip after Christmas.. Originally Posted by miss_leah
bozo124578's Avatar
PLEASE stop and see me!!!!
Cool, thanks for the info... EL Paso is on the way to Tuscon and Scottsdale.. Be patient, I have thought about you too..

One the way Bozo, just won't know when til Sunday or Monday..
Amarillo Please!
Amarrillo will surely be on the list.....
A second for Abilene, It is the heart of WT
Midland....oh yes...Midland
Abilene and Midland, deal....

Not sure when yet, but Jan something...... Keep your eyes open...
you really need to come to Lubbock.
Looks like Lubbock is on the way.