can cops send pics of their dick

Someone was telling me that cops cant send pics of their dick when trying to bust a provider. Is this true?
How do you know whose dick it is?

Anytime you resort to these unorthodox methods to screen someone, I think you are in trouble.

Statements have been made that a cop can have sex with a provider in order to bust her. Why would a pic of a genital be a problem?
Statements have been made that a cop can have sex with a provider in order to bust her. Originally Posted by tigercat
IMO that's same as raping. I bet he wouldn't even let her keep the money.
IMO that's same as raping. I bet he wouldn't even let her keep the money. Originally Posted by crimsonsky69
Did she consent to have sex, money or not? Try to get a grand jury to indict the cop for rape on that one?

And what provider wants to spend that much time contesting an arrest? Drag that one out in the courts for a few years, name, face, etc. all over the media. No way to escape the bad publicity. What hobbyist wants to risk seeing her? What civilian job is going to hire her?
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
How do you know whose dick it is?
Originally Posted by tigercat
Exactly. They can't send you pictures of their dick, but then can send you pictures of "a" dick.
IMO that's same as raping. I bet he wouldn't even let her keep the money. Originally Posted by crimsonsky69
If that could be proven, that a Cop had sex with a provider then arrested her he could be charged with Malfeasence in Office.
If that could be proven, that a Cop had sex with a provider then arrested her he could be charged with Malfeasence in Office. Originally Posted by acp5762
This actually happens more often than you would think. Several years ago in Virginia deputy sheriffs routinely did under orders from the Spotsylvania county sheriff: "During several visits to Moon Spa on Plank Road last month, detectives allowed women to perform sexual acts on them on four occasions and once left a $350 tip, according to court papers.
Spotsylvania Sheriff Howard D. Smith said that the practice is not new and that only unmarried detectives are assigned to such cases. Most prostitutes are careful not to say anything incriminating, so sexual contact is necessary, he said."

Also "in 1999 at least one of the vice-squad officers in Columbus, Ohio, was regularly having sexual intercourse with prostitutes before arresting them."

Cops have been allowed to ignore the law for quite a while and that can only lead to corruption. When Sir Robert Peel first proposed a police force in Great Britain in the nineteenth century there was resistance because they feared this exact sort of thing; a group who is above the law will eventually begin to ignore it.
Jannisary's Avatar
If that could be proven, that a Cop had sex with a provider then arrested her he could be charged with Malfeasence in Office. Originally Posted by acp5762
I don't think so. There have been cases of this all over the country where it wasn't just proven but testified to under oath by the officer involved. I remember there being some controversy in some cases and in at least one the judge dismissed the charges but I don't recall ever hearing of an officer getting charged with a crime for having sex with a prostitute while conducting an undercover investigation.

Now if a officer coerces a prostitute to have sex with him to avoid being arrested for prostitution, that would be different and could lead to federal civil rights charges against him. That happened in a little suburb municipality of St. Louis.
Helicopter206's Avatar
He can Not Send any photo's on the internet of any body part his or someone else.
Yes it is against the Law.

Police Officers in Kansas City just got busted for coercing girls for sex, the list of the girls was long, and they told the news.

the news posted the photo's of all the police officers
I don't think so. There have been cases of this all over the country where it wasn't just proven but testified to under oath by the officer involved. I remember there being some controversy in some cases and in at least one the judge dismissed the charges but I don't recall ever hearing of an officer getting charged with a crime for having sex with a prostitute while conducting an undercover investigation.

Now if a officer coerces a prostitute to have sex with him to avoid being arrested for prostitution, that would be different and could lead to federal civil rights charges against him. That happened in a little suburb municipality of St. Louis. Originally Posted by Jannisary
Many cases you've described the Officer wasn't charged because the officer resigned to avoid further proceedings. But it's still Malfeasence.
I can't imagine that police would be precluded from sending random xxx photos. In many jurisdiction they are expressly allowed to get naked to make busts.

Recently, there a female deputy filed a civil suit relating to topless photos of herself she agreed to use in a sting operation (involving pedophiles).
sky_wire's Avatar
Someone was telling me that cops cant send pics of their dick when trying to bust a provider. Is this true? Originally Posted by kaaliyah
Pure bull! Not only can cops send pics of their dick, they can shove it deep inside.
Jannisary's Avatar
Many cases you've described the Officer wasn't charged because the officer resigned to avoid further proceedings. But it's still Malfeasence. Originally Posted by acp5762
You obviously don't know what you're talking about.
You obviously don't know what you're talking about. Originally Posted by Jannisary
I wouldn't bet on it.
If I recall correctly, there was a public outcry in at least one case of an officer having sex with a prostitute then arresting her. Much like a pissing contest, both parties got slimmed publicly. Most cops that do it likely think they can deny it happened, that it is their word against the prostitutes.... But hey face it, they can speed to catch speeders, do drugs to catch drug dealers, why not a little fucking to catch hookers?