What are your two biggest provider problems?

TexTushHog's Avatar
1. General lack of professionalism and punctuality.

2. No idea. One so overwhelms all others. I suppose the inability to give clear driving directions, if you don't include that in number one (and I do).
1. Not being on time
2. See #1
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Between Bella and , how could a guy have any problems?

I'm the kind of guy who likes to find a lady and stick with her. I also have a difficult time telling a woman what I want; I generally just let her her take the lead and define what's acceptable during our sessions. What I have found over the years is that my regular friends-for-an-hour sometimes stick with what's worked for hem (and, of course, for me) in the past, rather than either suggesting, or even appearing willing to try, something new. I'm not complaining so much as I am using this as an opportunity to encourage the ladies here to mix things up a little if their clients appear hesitant to suggest doing so.

The other thing I have found over the years is that familiarity tends to breed, if not contempt, then a deterioration in consideration of the little things that clients appreciate. I once saw a woman who dressed and made herself up so as to turn heads when I took her to lunch early in our relationship, but showed up for appointments in flip-flops and a terrycloth one-piece. Another looked absolutely stunning when she showed up in a black business dress and black hose for our second appointment. Thereafter, she generally showed up looking like she had just come from WalMart. I appreciate the women who always take the time to look, taste, and smell like they genuinely care about making an impression on me, especially when they still do it on the 20th visit.

Can I have one more? I probably also should bring up yet again the difficulty in determining whether a woman is geographically compatible with me, and the uselessness of the Fort Worth Provider Ads section because of that and because it's so polluted by women whose primary, if not only, working area is east of Texas 360.
Im big on DATY, so it really amazes me how many providers want us to be freshly showered but yet they have a less than fresh smelling vagina WTF
Thuck Fat's Avatar
1. Lack of discretion
2. Outdated/fake pics
killswitch321's Avatar
1. Getting no response
2. Don't know when is a good time for seeing
RAMP's Avatar
  • RAMP
  • 01-03-2015, 10:20 AM
1. Responding to any and all ISOs without reading content first.

2. Unsolicited text messages
rexdutchman's Avatar
1) communication (response e-mail etc)
2) clean fresh etc ( I shower etc before meeting)
There are actually more than just two big problems, but the two that stand out to me are:

1). professionalism and courtesy - in other words, lack of TCB skills before (getting back with me in a timely manner after initial contact by me and staying in touch up to the appointment time along with confirming of set appointments). During (playing the YMMV card when I cannot be YMMV on the provider donation, asking for and talking about the donation while I am there, lack of passion aka IOP, so much so that I feel like I am fucking a corpse or blowup doll and clock watching, reminding me of the time every few minutes telling me to hurry up and cum, there are just 5 minutes left and her next ATM machine, errr client is in the parking lot). After (taking sometimes a week or longer before I get my OK from her on p411). If only Laura Lynn could tutor other providers on their TCB skills!

2). Personal hygiene - I have encountered so many providers who I have set an appointment with in plenty of time, sometimes days in advance, so they can be freshly showered, clean and fresh smelling, but when I arrive to their incall, it would appear as if the last guy they saw left 5 minutes prior to me walking up or they have been out running errands all day and got back 15 minutes before our session with their clothes and hair wreaking of smoke, and the smell of body odor (under arms and especially between legs).
1. Finding providers with private apartment incalls
2. Setting up same day appointments, even with p411 is quite difficult
pyramider's Avatar
1. The lack of taint photos.

2. The uncontrollable laughter when my trousers drop.
1. Those who are NBA for whatever reason but won't put it in their advertising
2. Personal hygiene. Luckily I have no qualms in asking a lady to shower if I sense a lack of freshness since I always come squeaky clean.
daty/o's Avatar
1. Upselling - forget a' la carte pricing; to me, GFE means "good for everything".
2. CBJ and/or No DATY - absolute dealbreaker for me. Do it right or don't do it at all.
1. Not being appreciative of your clients.
2. Stating on your showcase and/or advertising that you are completely GFE, and you are not.