Should providers be allowed to read ros

pickupkid's Avatar
This started in Texas....wanted to pass it on.teus your comments.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Yes. The provider should be allowed to read HER OWN review.
shorty's Avatar
Yes, only if she can take criticism and not call us bitchin because you said something that she didn't like.
big boi terry's Avatar
I have no problems with a provider being able to see the ROS. Most know that I always strive to tell the truth, and describe sessions from my perspective, be it good or bad. But if a provider can take the praise, then she too must take the criticism.
London Rayne's Avatar
We can do it on EVERY other board, so I would say yes. If a review is negative but HONEST we can't really bi3ch about it, but in the cases where the guy is outright lying we need to be able to report this to a mod.

It's nothing new that certain members of the boys club write malicious reviews just to be idiots, even when the girl is all that. It's also nothing new that guys who have been turned down will write a bogus review because their ego was bruised from said lady. In those cases we need mods to ask certain specifics like what hotel they saw us at in a given city. If they can't back up what our bill says, someone is lying.

This has happened many times so it's a good idea for providers to keep an email exchange of suspect clients. This will show the last exchange and if there was never a number or location given, well how did he see her? Guys also LIE in these comments claiming to have seen said provider, when they never have.

I don't much worry about the ROS because I know I deliver to the best of my ability. I also make sure guys know certain things about me BEFORE they spend a dime, so there is no issue upon arrival. I also don't expect every guy to think I am a beauty queen, but you can be honest and respectful in your opinions. I am a big girl who can handle the truth, as long as that's what it is...TRUTH!

I have said this before and it's nothing new that I don't like comments on reviews, because most are simply useless drivel from guys who have never seen a lady. Why should her haters be allowed to bash a guy who has seen her just because he has more money to spend?

I think people confuse us wanting a guy to be tactful with a fluff review. I don't think he should lie nor do I think it's good for the community. At the same time, I don't think certain things are of anyone's business. If a guy does not want to reveal certain info. that's his right and he should not be beat up for it. Some men still believe in a certain amount of discretion...imagine that.
Yes. The provider should be allowed to read HER OWN review. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Well, I hate to be nit-picky, but it's NOT HER OWN review. It is a review written ABOUT her by someone else than her (at least in most cases lol).

Having said that (and largely because I don't have a say in the matter), sure, let her read her own ROS (not those of other providers). But I think it's a disservice to her b/c I think a lot of ladies couldn't take the unvarnished truth. They always think the provide impeccable service, but that may not be the guy's viewpoint.

I don't read ROS. I don't have the access. Nor do I have access to see all the stuff in a showcase.

If you don't want the guys to comment, then the ladies shouldn't either.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Well, I hate to be nit-picky, but it's NOT HER OWN review. It is a review written ABOUT her by someone else than her (at least in most cases lol).

Having said that (and largely because I don't have a say in the matter), sure, let her read her own ROS (not those of other providers). But I think it's a disservice to her b/c I think a lot of ladies couldn't take the unvarnished truth. They always think the provide impeccable service, but that may not be the guy's viewpoint.

I don't read ROS. I don't have the access. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Whatever the review is about her so she should be able to read it. Plain and simple.
London Rayne's Avatar

If you don't want the guys to comment, then the ladies shouldn't either. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
We can't comment on our own reviews as it is.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I've always thought that a provider should be allowed to read the ros in reviews on herself.
Absolutely. And she should be able to comment as well.
Of course we should be able to read our own reviews....This is the only site I'm on that doesn't allow it for some strange reason....As far as commenting on them, I don't really care either way....
Absolutely. And she should be able to comment as well. Originally Posted by FatBastard
Don't know about this.

[**Thinking to self, she writes: "Damn he was fat. He couldn't tie his shoes afterwards. And performance. It's all I could do not to snicker. And he had the attitude and personality of a cardboard old beat up one, at that."**]
London Rayne's Avatar
Ha ha ha!! I don't think girls should be able to comment. Why? Because too many think they are perfect 10s in every way, and it would be a full blown drama fest if a guy said otherwise.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Ha ha ha!! I don't think girls should be able to comment. Why? Because too many think they are perfect 10s in every way, and it would be a full blown drama fest if a guy said otherwise. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Exactly. I'm against girls commenting as well.