At least they are outside. You don't complain about your Gov Abbott who did everything in his power to not control the spread and increase his chances of getting infected (including going to court). Then he went to an INDOOR conference with just as many unmasked people as in your photo and gets himself infected with CoVid. . He had plan, he checked himself into the nearest ICU and got some Regeneron Antibodies ( the same thing they gave the Trumpster). The government purchased 500 million doses. Someone should try to use it besides Trump and Rudy G. Oh the hypocrisy. Tex, we will see you when return from your vacation.
Originally Posted by adav8s28
hello - mask fantatic DPST
a pic of nazi pelosi haranguing her minions MASKLESS - hardly an advertisement for more DPST idiotology OBEDIENCE 'a' .
Foolish DPST commie minions.
Whataboutism - another usual denial, deflection, obstruction DPST argument
"What about ABBOTT????"
Foolish commie DPSTs
Who do love their Obedience to Comrade Xi Uber alles