The White House admitted today that President Obama made no phone calls–none, zero–on the evening of September 11, 2012, during the seven or eight hours when Americans were being murdered in Benghazi. He didn’t talk to Leon Panetta, or any military personnel, or Hillary Clinton. What was he doing that night? We may never know; perhaps writing the speech that he gave at a campaign event the next day in Las Vegas.

Information on Benghazi has to be pried out of the administration with a crowbar; Lindsay Graham got the White House to identify the calls that Obama made that night–none–by holding up Chuck Hagel’s confirmation. Graham says he will put a hold on John Brennan, too, until he gets more facts on Benghazi from the stonewalling White House. Good for him.

He should've parachuted in with the Airborne immediately upon receiving information that the embassy was under attack. Right after we laid in drone and B52 strikes on those crowds surrounding the embassy.....

It's truly pathetic watching the idiot republicans, and morons like Whirlybird and JD, try to leverage this bullshit into an issue that they think matters politically. Course, they got nothing else at this point so, why not? Bereft of issues, with no new ideas that even remotely attempt to address the economic issues facing the country (other than "Don't tax the millionaires") why should anybody be surprised? We've had hearings with Hillary, we've had hearings with Panetta...and the republicans are either so inept that they can't uncover anything or...there is nothing to uncover. The only thing left to them is the unprecedented filibuster of a proposed nominee for secdef. And, that's going nowhere either. Incompetent buffoons chasing their tails in an attempt to create an issue where there isn't an issue with the only plus being that senators like Lindsey Graham can go back to their teabaggin masters in South Carolina and say that they did their duty in obstructing every single thing the President of the United States tried to do and to please please please let me be your senator again. Shameful behavior.


The White House admitted today that President Obama made no phone calls–none, zero–on the evening of September 11, 2012, during the seven or eight hours when Americans were being murdered in Benghazi. He didn’t talk to Leon Panetta, or any military personnel, or Hillary Clinton. What was he doing that night? We may never know; perhaps writing the speech that he gave at a campaign event the next day in Las Vegas.

Information on Benghazi has to be pried out of the administration with a crowbar; Lindsay Graham got the White House to identify the calls that Obama made that night–none–by holding up Chuck Hagel’s confirmation. Graham says he will put a hold on John Brennan, too, until he gets more facts on Benghazi from the stonewalling White House. Good for him.

http://www.powerlineblog.com/archive...n-benghazi.php Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I think he was reading MY PET GOAT!

Shit it's been a whole week since you started a thread on Benghazi. More? Can't let that one get away from us!

The White House admitted today that President Obama made no phone calls–none, zero–on the evening of September 11, 2012, during the seven or eight hours when Americans were being murdered in Benghazi. He didn’t talk to Leon Panetta, or any military personnel, or Hillary Clinton. What was he doing that night? We may never know; perhaps writing the speech that he gave at a campaign event the next day in Las Vegas.

Information on Benghazi has to be pried out of the administration with a crowbar; Lindsay Graham got the White House to identify the calls that Obama made that night–none–by holding up Chuck Hagel’s confirmation. Graham says he will put a hold on John Brennan, too, until he gets more facts on Benghazi from the stonewalling White House. Good for him.

http://www.powerlineblog.com/archive...n-benghazi.php Originally Posted by Whirlaway
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzz

The White House admitted today that President Obama made no phone calls–none, zero–on the evening of September 11, 2012, during the seven or eight hours when Americans were being murdered in Benghazi. He didn’t talk to Leon Panetta, or any military personnel, or Hillary Clinton. What was he doing that night? We may never know; perhaps writing the speech that he gave at a campaign event the next day in Las Vegas.

Information on Benghazi has to be pried out of the administration with a crowbar; Lindsay Graham got the White House to identify the calls that Obama made that night–none–by holding up Chuck Hagel’s confirmation. Graham says he will put a hold on John Brennan, too, until he gets more facts on Benghazi from the stonewalling White House. Good for him.

http://www.powerlineblog.com/archive...n-benghazi.php Originally Posted by Whirlaway
On the Down Low with AssUp and his goat.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Timmy exposes his phony outrage at the Newtown shooting, demanding that guns be confiscated to prevent this from happening again, but when our ambassador and soldiers get killed while the President and Secretary of State, who knew about the attack, do nothing, then we are getting upset about nothing.

Phony, selective outrage. Liberalism as brainwashing; a perfect example.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
we know what YOU were doing that night, LovingWhiny
Timmy exposes his phony outrage at the Newtown shooting, demanding that guns be confiscated to prevent this from happening again, but when our ambassador and soldiers get killed while the President and Secretary of State, who knew about the attack, do nothing, then we are getting upset about nothing.

Phony, selective outrage. Liberalism as brainwashing; a perfect example. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Yes, my phony outrage. At least I have some you fucking asshole. Are you really so stupid and disconnected that you would think the murders of 20 six year olds would engender "phony outrage?" I guess that shows where your at.....could any outrage at that event be phony? Other than yours, of course, while you carp about the "need" you have for assault rifles.

In regard to your stupid post.....Connect the dots for me you fucking zombie moron. Let me think: we've got an embassy in the middle of a potential combat zone where anything could happen....and an elementary school filled with children in the United States where six year olds are learning addition and subtraction. These things present the same security problems? I guess in your bizarre mind they do. Idiot.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Thanks for proving my point, Timmy!
Thanks for proving my point, Timmy! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Proved you're a fucking idiot, as usual. You're welcome.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
LOL! I've just been called fat by Michael Moore!

LOL! I've just been called fat by Michael Moore!

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Naw. Just been called a moron. By me.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Same thing.

Naw. Just been called a moron. By me. Originally Posted by timpage
I'll second that!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
LOL! Now I'm being called fat by Roseann Barr!