Some General Thoughts and Questions

Hello, I'm somewhat new here. I'm a writer studying this sort of thing, but that's incidental to this thread. I'd like to state a few facts I've noticed while analyzing this profession, and follow it up with a few questions.

1. I notice that any sort of bust for both a hobbyist or a provider is contingent upon money changing hands.

2. I notice that you predominantly seem to work in cash, debt and credit being silly for such things.

3. A type of currency exists called the bit coin that allows for largely anonymous transfers via the internet. Other forms of crypto-currency are also feasible.

4. Banking of this nature can be done overseas.

5. Overseas banks don't necessarily cooperate with LEO.

6. Providers and hobbyists seem to tangle most often with local LEO.

7. Local LEO has virtually no leverage with overseas banks unlikely to give over customer info even in the event that certain exchanges were tracked.

8. An anonymous exchange of money would protect both providers and hobbyists because even if LEO were on the other end they couldn't prove anything.

9. Federal authorities are unlikely to invest resources in relatively small time busts for minor offenses.

10. The best way to regulate exchanges through certain internet mediums is through a community medium in which services are rated by members and reputations are staked.

That was a set of completely random facts that have nothing to do with one another. Equally unrelatedly, a couple of questions:

Have you ladies ever considered a more sophisticated business model? Have you ever considered unionizing?
pyramider's Avatar
Have you been sniffing glue?
Have you been sniffing glue? Originally Posted by pyramider
It does destroy brain cells. Doesn't sound like there was a lot there to begin with.
FK's Avatar
  • FK
  • 09-19-2011, 06:14 PM
Why do homeless people avoid shelters? They don't want to answer to anyone for what they do and when they do it. Unionization sounds great on paper, but the last thing I would want is for anybody else, individual or entity, to even begin to think they could tell me how to run MY business model. I do fine on my own thank you.
Being in charge of your own destiny with no one to answer to, but your clientele, is the ultimate freedom and the main reason many of us are here to begin with.
And there needn't be any recorded record of mine or my client's transactions for anyone to be poking their nose into. I register a business and do my taxes every year. Things are just fine the way they are. To the outside world, I'm a small independent business owner and that's just fine with me.

In the past, myself and several other ladies met with a professor from England who was conducting research on the Sex Worker Industry in the US and we all had a very nice discussion over happy hour one afternoon and have remained in touch to this day.
I wouldn't trust anyone from the US in this same sort of position because I feel they would always have a biased opinion and look down on us. Being from England, he had no qualms over our profession and didn't blink an eye at our extremely outspoken points of view.
My general thought is that I'm not going to engage in a discussion of this nature on a public board with an anonymous person.

BTW, I have a business model, like most of the other ladies here, that is already plenty sophisticated.

That's cool. However I note that just about everyone I talk to is exceedingly paranoid of LEO: why would you cling to a manner of doing things that expands your risk profile?

Also, why the bias against talking to people from the US? Some of us are pretty liberal minded.


I'm glad to hear it. This is all just hypothetical of course. That said, there's always room to improve.
JoanJet's Avatar
WTF I vote to delete this.
WTF I vote to delete this. Originally Posted by JoanJet
In all honesty, I kinda already knew this wouldn't be well received, which is funny for me: we're on a site where details of the "hobby" are discussed, an entire sub-forum on doing this securely, and various details about encounters are described in code.

I'm here explaining a type of transfer that makes you hard to touch by LEO, and I already knew how poor the response would be though. Still, if I inspire anyone to look into it I consider it a job well done and a public service.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Couple things;

Your first point is not accurate
1. I notice that any sort of bust for both a hobbyist or a provider is contingent upon money changing hands.
In most jurisdictions only the agreement or implied agreement of sex/money needs to be established, not necessarily an actual exchange.

Second, bit coin is an interesting concept and I recall a thread here about it sometime ago. As I recall, it was universally dissed for this type of hobby due to the lack of actual cash being exchanged, and the followup necessary for the receiver to convert points to actual cash in her pocket.

This is a cash-based business and I don't forsee that changing anytime soon in spite of the LE risks involved.

For those interested It is an interesting concept however.
  • MrGiz
  • 09-20-2011, 12:33 AM
TS. . . Have you finished the first chapter yet?
Madame X's Avatar
While I am familiar with bitcoin and think it's fun to play with when I'm not on *real* currency exchanges, there's a variety of reasons why it wouldn't work here.

The Man is always a nuisance to this lifestyle, but there's plenty of other concerns for us aside from that. Exchanging money through a third party system before you've ever laid eyes on the other end of the transaction is a leap of faith that not many of us feel comfortable taking.

You're obviously a writer - who let the press in here anyway?

~Mme X~
Naomi4u's Avatar

5. Overseas banks don't necessarily cooperate with LEO. Originally Posted by Tellsoftly
I just love people that think you can stuff all your money in a bank overseas and the US will leave you alone. It's bs. Very far from the truth.

I can't/won't address the others. Obviously you were sent here by someone.

Why would it be so serious that you have to put your money in an overseas bank? You make it sound like hookers get millions of dollars a year.
Somebody has waaaaayyyyy too much time on their hands. You might need a hobby....hey, I know a good one you should try!!

Don't over think it.....really!?!

Implication of exchange eh? But if that never really happens in the actual session, it seems unlikely that such a thing could be established, or that LE would bother with someone who was going to give them trouble on a conviction.

But yes, if you're going to conceal your bitcoin trail it takes a small bit of setup, but it seems like that would be less effort than the screening process itself, and portions of it can be folded into that process.


I have a suspense building first chapter, and some material for later chapters, but I'm thinking of reformatting the way it's being written entirely so I don't want to polish the first chapter.

@Mme x

A legitimate concern, although there are various ways of insuring that no one feels ripped off or too worried about the exchange, a community like this being one of them.

That said, I wish I had dropped my money in it months ago, went from around a dollar to over twenty dollars before the bubble burst.


Actually that depends largely upon the Bank. You'd be correct about Swiss and certain Western European Banks that formerly had that reputation, but some banks in Russia, Eastern Europe, and the Caribbean are as described. It's just a matter of doing your homework.

Also that's exactly the paranoia I'm talking about: "Obviously you were sent here by someone." Yes, what nefarious organization sent me here to explain online currency as a possibly more secure medium of exchange? Some sinister splinter of LE with an agenda... or something. If you weren't so worried about LE this would be a much more objective conversation.


Foreign bank accounts aren't really all that hard to get, people just assume that they are. Make sure to do some homework on them first though.