Finds incall Hotel Rooms!!!!!!!

What are somethings you found in your incall hotel room?
Would love to find you hiding under the sheets TP!
I found a used condom, called the front desk and complained that my complimentary condom was used and asked where the hell is my provider.

Okay, i lied about the calling the front desk, but I did find a used condom in my bathroom and i left it for the cleaning crew just threw a towel over it.
I found a knife between the mattress and box springs. I know what was I doing looking there. I was putting my straps down to be tied up. Angus I be in my apt next week so u can come crawl in my bed.
Texas_Seeker's Avatar
A few years back I had to go to Pittsburgh on a business trip. As I was getting ready in the morning I dropped my phone and it bounced under the bed. I knelt down, reached for it, and came up with a .38 revolver...that had 2 spent casings in it.

I was a bit late to the office.
Zaphod's Avatar
Don't know if this counts or not, but a number of years ago I was in Tulsa on business. At around 6am I got woken out of a sound sleep by a knock at the door. I asked "who is it?", and heard a girl say "let me in". I cracked the door a bit and a very attractive girl dressed in your typical little black dress barged in, shut the door, and struck a nice "hand on the thrusted out hip" pose and said "well?".

I was in a relationship at the time, and being half asleep I wasn't thinking, so I said "think about what?". She asked for a cigarette and to use the phone. We talked for a few minutes while she used the phone and smoked the cig, and then she left.

This was back when I was still naive about the hobby, but soon realized what the deal was. I should have asked "has it already been paid for?"...LOL!
I found two huge dildos behind a dresser.