Sometimes it feels good to get away with no technology

I just spent the last 18 or so days on an island without ANY cell phone, pager, Ipad, computer, or anything. At first I thought I'd be paranoid about it, but then I thought, who needs that stuff on vacation? And I didn't miss it one bit. Sometimes I think while it's true technology brings us closer it can also drive us farther apart and isolate us. Of course I can't imagine living with a cell phone or a laptop in my every day life, seeing as how my parents barely know how to use a cell and still have an answering machine and the same phone number for literally years.

But it felt good not to be at the beck and call of these gadgets. Now I'm back to work and my gadgets are back to work too.
Roothead's Avatar
Bravo for you! I know what you mean - on holiday, I get 30 mins in the morning and evening to do work related stuff via my devices - but that is it - it truely takes a lot of effort to disconnect and stay disconnected,,,,
caffeine's Avatar
Congratulations, but I don't think I could survive without technology. I wonder if there's a recovery group for addicts like me? Hah
It is nice to have some quiet time without phone/computer, my phone stresses me out so bad sometimes!
pyramider's Avatar
That is because the hubbie is seeking advise on handling marine life.
Ava, you didn't take me with you? Bad girl