Mark Cuban Thinking Outside of the Box Again

Chung Tran's Avatar

his plan to stimulate demand for small businesses, to keep them from looming mass shutdowns.. the $1,000 must be spent in 10 days.

what do you think? keep in mind that Trump has already spent trillions of dollars, with more trillions coming soon..
LexusLover's Avatar
what do you think? keep in mind that Trump has already spent trillions of dollars, with more trillions coming soon.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
When did he do that?

It's too bad you can't ask a straight question. You have to inject your obvious bias .... and please don't bore with the "I voted for him" .... it's approaching the meaningless level of ...

"You're a racists!"
Chung Tran's Avatar
since March, 2020.. yeah, I know, Congress did it, not him.. "Mommy, Mommy"!
the $1,000 must be spent in 10 days. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Since this isn't even close to actually defined, An opinion is rather hard to come by at this point.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Since this isn't even close to actually defined, An opinion is rather hard to come by at this point. Originally Posted by eccielover
but you understand the logic? to spend quickly, get money circulating to local small businesses.

it is as well defined as that previous small business loan program, where much of the money was stolen by non-needy companies, some of who were shamed into giving it back.
but you understand the logic? to spend quickly, get money circulating to local small businesses.

it is as well defined as that previous small business loan program, where much of the money was stolen by non-needy companies, some of who were shamed into giving it back. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I'd be interested in the link regarding the small business loan program and the shaming of any company. I've not heard of that taking place. I did hear it ran out of money very quickly and another bi-partisan bill approved more for it.

And if Cuban's concept is sound and thinking out of the box, it should certainly be vetted to how it's actually going to work and is the need for a unvetted weekly check that must just be spent.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
How about just admitting that the shutdown was a huge fuck up, and let everyone get back to their lives. Easy peasy and the only cost is a bit of embarrassment.
Chung Tran's Avatar
How about just admitting that the shutdown was a huge fuck up, and let everyone get back to their lives. Easy peasy and the only cost is a bit of embarrassment. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
you are an extreme minority that thinks that.. if you are going to make a grand statement like this, surely you have facts and reason to back it up.. I'm waiting...

you do realize Trump supported a shut down?
you do realize Trump supported a shut down? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Eventually he did, yes, and is trying to reverse that incorrect decision daily.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Absolutely, President Trump fucked up in grand fashion. In his defense, people supposedly in the know scared TF out of him with that bullshit 2.5 million deaths number. I’d have probably overreacted in light of that as well. At this point we have actual data, and it points to guys like Ioannidis, Wittkowski, and Levitt being absolutely right. Time for the President to take a mulligan and hope we can recover from this colossal mistake.
Absolutely, President Trump fucked up in grand fashion. In his defense, people supposedly in the know scared TF out of him with that bullshit 2.5 million deaths number. I’d have probably overreacted in light of that as well. At this point we have actual data, and it points to guys like Ioannidis, Wittkowski, and Levitt being absolutely right. Time for the President to take a mulligan and hope we can recover from this colossal mistake. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
President Trump has been quite successful going on his own instincts. This time, he went with the “experts”.

Why? Because the Main Stream Media would crucify him, and worse yet, the gullible and often moronic public would believe them.

At least now he can say......”we tried it your way, now let’s do it my way”.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
President Trump has been quite successful going on his own instincts. This time, he went with the “experts”.

Why? Because the Main Stream Media would crucify him, and worse yet, the gullible and often moronic public would believe them.

At least now he can say......”we tried it your way, now let’s do it my way”. Originally Posted by Jackie S

he acted and they accused him of not acting now they will accuse him for acting.


his plan to stimulate demand for small businesses, to keep them from looming mass shutdowns.. the $1,000 must be spent in 10 days.

what do you think? keep in mind that Trump has already spent trillions of dollars, with more trillions coming soon.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Again, your characterization is inaccurate. The easiest thing would be to quote...
He added that while that plan is being implemented, an interim spending stimulus program should be put in place in which 128 million households get a $1,000 check every two weeks for the next two months, along with the rule that it must be spent within 10 days.

“Cost about $500b
Not a bad plan. The problem is THE SHUTDOWN. In order to get it businesses, bidness need to be open. It hasn't. And in many places it won't. I'd be buying even more Amazon stock though.

you are an extreme minority that thinks that.. if you are going to make a grand statement like this, surely you have facts and reason to back it up.. I'm waiting...

you do realize Trump supported a shut down? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Extreme is extremely overused, especially when people just want people to panic. Count me in that growing "minority" that didn't want a protracted shut down.

he acted and they accused him of not acting now they will accuse him for acting.

BAHHAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Let me ask Chung and other Socialist Democrats a question: Who DIDN'T fail? Support your answer.
Absolutely, President Trump fucked up in grand fashion. In his defense, people supposedly in the know scared TF out of him with that bullshit 2.5 million deaths number. I’d have probably overreacted in light of that as well. At this point we have actual data, and it points to guys like Ioannidis, Wittkowski, and Levitt being absolutely right. Time for the President to take a mulligan and hope we can recover from this colossal mistake. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Amen to that!

his plan to stimulate demand for small businesses, to keep them from looming mass shutdowns.. the $1,000 must be spent in 10 days.

what do you think? keep in mind that Trump has already spent trillions of dollars, with more trillions coming soon.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I don't really like Mark Cuban, and in fact I hope the entire NBA gets wiped out because who would want to watch a game on TV that doesn't have fans in the stands and the players and announcers feeding off them? (That assumes you like the NBA anyway - which I do not)

When that rich guy whose mother owned the gift shop (Carter?) bought the Mavericks way back when for $12 million (I'm going from memory) I thought that was a little high but it made sense. The prices for franchises now are just ridiculous - it needs to go way down.

However, his point is correct that for it to be a stimulus, the money needs to circulate and go to work.