The world is waking up to what a disaster the leftists are

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The left gets trounced in a host of European elections. Today's summary:

- Rishi Sunak goes into hiding

- Tory MPs make deal with Reclaim Party as Tory HQ suspend election campaign on social media

- Belgium Prime Minister resigns

- French President dissolves Parliament

- European right wingers destroy EU liberal globalists
berryberry's Avatar
Europeans are tired of war. They want their leaders to focus on defending their own borders rather than Ukraine’s. Belgian PM has resigned. Sunak and Macron could be gone next month. Zelensky is only around because he cancelled elections. Bad news for Senile Biden.
bambino's Avatar
Happened in Germany too.
bambino's Avatar
SITEREP: Macron Dissolved the National Assembly after Historic Loss in EU Elections

So what the Hell does that mean?

In a nutshell, Macron basically hit the reset button on the lower house of the French parliament after a historic loss and now He’s acting like a Tyrant.

The far-right National Rally party, led by Marine Le Pen, came out on top with a whopping 31.5% of the vote, leaving Macron's Renaissance party in the dust with a measly 15.2%. Ouch!

It’s significant… The National Assembly is where French laws are debated and passed, and it's made up of 577 members who are elected by the people.

Macron dissolved it because, as you can see in the graphic, his party suffered an embarrassing defeat in the recent European Parliament elections.

This can only be described as a political Hail Mary in a desperate attempt to regain control and stay in power.

So, what happens next?

Macron has called for new legislative elections to be held in two rounds on June 30th and July 7th.

In the meantime, Macron and his government will continue to govern, but without the support of a majority in parliament … because he just dissolved it.

Now it’s totally up to the French people…

Will the people of France rally behind Macron and his party, or will they choose a different path…


We'll have to wait and see…
... See? ... Even overseas, Nationalism TRUMPS All !...

#### Salty
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Hungary gets it - kudos Viktor Orban who writes

The message of yesterday’s Hungarian and #EuropeanElections is clear:

1. The Hungarian democracy is strong and vibrant. We recorded the highest voter turnout ever in a European election in Hungary, 59.3%.

2. Hungarians came out in record numbers to vote for #peace. Never before have so many people voted for #Fidesz in a European election. With this, we have achieved one of the best election results in Europe.

3. Europe’s political landscape has shifted to the right and towards peace.

We will build on these results in the coming months to achieve our goals, as Hungary takes over the Presidency of the EU.
... Europe surely seems to be MOVING AWAY for Leftist politics
with reckless abandon! ... Make yer-own country GREAT Again!

#### Salty