
So in spirit of Thanksgiving coming around the corner. I wanna know what is your favorite part of Thanksgiving?

For me
  • I love a warm slice of pumpkin pie with cool whip on top
  • My mothers homemade stuffing & yes she cooks it in the bird all day & no none of us have ever gotten sick :P
  • Being with my family of course!
  • Sweet potatoes mmmmm or Candied Yams (we switch it a lot)
  • Watching the Macy's Parade and then Miracle on 34th Street in black and white
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving this year.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
leftovers. yup the turkey sandwich with carnberry. with leftover cold stuffing on the side. And also on the side leftover jello salad that is made with orange and lemon jello mixed. With walnuts, carrots, and Hellmann’s Mayonnaise. I know it sounds bad. But it is good.

Work gives me a free turkey after thankgivings but before Xmass. Every year I give it to Hunter585. She cooks its for a gathering. And she makes me a sandwich with the leftover turkey. Then she eats said sandwich before I get there to eat it myself. I do not think she will get it this year. As after many years I have yet to get the sandwich. She is a good cook, I have had cooked meals by her before. But never that dam turkey sandwich. I want the sandwich not eaten as I drive over to get it. So what provider would want a free bird. For the price of a leftover turkey sandwich. No sex, but the sandwich will be reviewed. So it is said that there are two ways to a mans heart. Who wants to risk showing off there skill the other way. some leftover stuffing would also be nice.
Not crazy about the holdays but I do enjoy the annual family get-together, being single myself it's cool to see all the cousins nieces and nephews, sorta like the family I never had. I actually kind of dread the food part, my youthful days of infinite metabolism are long gone.. sure many here can relate lol.
BB- ThanxG is my favorite holiday bar none! Food, football, the kids home from college, a roaring fire in the fireplace and 2 1/2 days off from work, as I pull the plug at 12 noon on Wed. and send my gang home. Plus the cold nights and shorter days, make for a more intimate time of year. Gotta love it!
This is my favorite holiday of the year, only to be outdone by St. Patrick's Day.
I am a real traditionalist when it comes to preparing this meal for friends and family, and it simply comes down to using the finest ingredients prepared properly.
I do like making several different varieties of stuffing, the faves that get repeated every year are french bread stuffing heavy on the parsley sage rosemary and thyme, and cornbread stuffing with sausage.

Looking forward to it !!
brutusbluto's Avatar
My Thanksgiving Dinner will no doubt include just going to get either:
  • Boston Markets Turkey Dinner or
  • The grocery Store for a Hungryman Turkey Dinner
Since being single with no family in the area, no SO to spend the day with, the holidays are just another day in my house.
Tex9401's Avatar
I am single also, and last year was not fun since I was broke and could not see my folks. This year, I got new contract where I am on-call 7 days a week, and have to put a two week notice for time off. My kinfolks have wedding at close to Thanksgiving where my folks are going to, so I am stuck alone again this year. It is TV dinner or going somewhere with Thanksgiving buffet.

My Thanksgiving Dinner will no doubt include just going to get either:
  • Boston Markets Turkey Dinner or
  • The grocery Store for a Hungryman Turkey Dinner
Since being single with no family in the area, no SO to spend the day with, the holidays are just another day in my house. Originally Posted by jymie
cnym's Avatar
  • cnym
  • 11-06-2010, 11:45 AM
Sounds like jymie and Tex9401 should get together for Thanksgiving, maybe OSD will join and bring all the other "single" guys.
Her is a thought, How about all the "single" ladies can join and you guys can have a thanksgiving M&G
Aww so sad to hear that some will be alone on the holidays. There was an older lady that came into Wegman's at one point and wanted to know if we were going to make a turkey plate that she could pick up. I felt so bad that this woman didn't have anywhere to go, I wanted to invite her to my house!

OSD if I could cook a turkey... I would take you up on the sandwhich offer. However, I have never cooked a turkey before and would feel horrible if I gave you food poisoning Cooking a turkey is on the list to-do for me. Maybe by next Thanksgiving I'll be a master of cooking a bird!

Whatitiz, what a nice boss letting everyone out early Wednesday! Great time to go out to the bars. Except don't get too drunk. Makes a long Thanksgiving You'll have to visit as a pre holiday treat :P I've been known for warming up gents on a cold, snowy day
Oh i cook the holiday meals and invite friends over that cannot or do not cook..I do stuff that bird with my homemade stuffing and in my stuffing I put it all in!!!its like a meal in itself!!
I make the pies and the sides too!!!I actually love cooking..stuffed mushrooms anyone??? I did go to school for it after high school..and growing up at home with a german mother. And a grandmother that cooked all the time as well..guess its in my bones!!

The guests bring the drinks I'll handle the rest!!!YUMMMMMMOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
Stuffed mushrooms are the best! Man now I'm craving stuffing and everything. Turkey day better hurry up and get here!!!

Nita you have to try the gingerbread latte at DD! So yumm but Pumpkin spice is still a favorite.
  • m2244
  • 11-07-2010, 03:41 PM
well not eating meat makes me a stuffing, mash potatoes, and yams and anything non meat related and warm
  • m2244
  • 11-07-2010, 03:41 PM
hmmm and apple pie with whipped cream

Nita you have to try the gingerbread latte at DD! So yumm but Pumpkin spice is still a favorite. Originally Posted by BrookeButtons

oh soo at d&d like tues at sevin inda mornin!!lol...more like 10am..but im sooo there!!!!
What a happy thread Brooke!

I am very much looking forward to some oven fresh pumpkin pie with a healthy serving of whipped cream on top! Of course turkey and time with family. OOOO and the store bought holiday egg nog!!! sooo good lol!

This year will be very different for me. As a recent cross country transplant here to NY, the rest of family, siblings, neices, and nephew who are still out west will be missed dearly by me this year. The few family I have here in NY will certainly make Thanks Giving a great and meaningful day here, especially being my first in upstate NY. I am looking forward to making a new set of memories and traditions here

Mary, apple pie! Thanks to the movie "American Pie" I can never think wholesome thoughts about apple pie without laughing to myself first