Anyone know who is running Biden's teleprompter?

TryWeakly's Avatar
They really could do a better job. I mean we all know it isn't "Hidin Biden" thats supposed to be running this country.

Cendell M's Avatar
boardman's Avatar
John Fetterman?
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Grim Reaper?

But on a somewhat serious note, can Biden even read the teleprompter?
  • pxmcc
  • 11-05-2022, 04:31 AM

or maybe the AI who finished beethoven's 10th?
He really flues it when he goes off script and tries to adlib
TryWeakly's Avatar
its usually "top of mind" ...
Cendell M's Avatar
Hahahaha Top of the dome eh….
Italia DiBella's Avatar
Are we speaking of the MKUltra Biden or his humanoid double?
TryWeakly's Avatar
double? Please oh please let there only be one of those clusterfuck of a president..... That fucktard's weaknesses and capacity is on full display.
MisterMeat's Avatar
Who was running Trump’s teleprompter during his speech last night? Dude looked like he had already lost 2024…..
Remember when Democrats use to tease republicans for being dumb? Now they have President Biden and Fetterman who can hardly speak, let alone think.
Cendell M's Avatar
^^^ speak, think, and read….
TryWeakly's Avatar
Who was running Trump’s teleprompter during his speech last night? Dude looked like he had already lost 2024….. Originally Posted by MisterMeat
Except he hasn't .... LOL.

The reckoning is coming... and Nancy aint gonna be able to do shit.

Actually she is slipping IMO. She failed at having her hubby "Clinton'd" . ..
Cendell M's Avatar