Cathy from ASPD - Remember her? The master marketer

Being a fan of CD3 (I've never met her, I just LOVE her posts - big brains = big sexy) I can't help but be reminded of Cathy from the ASPD days. Anyone else remember her? She was elusive, popped on and off the boards with no real pattern and created an image (or perhaps one was created for her by her fans and friends) that had everyone else wanting her. EVERYONE! Her bit was she didn't advertise, she chose you. It was like beging invited to be in an exclusive club.

I almost had the chance. Back when I first entered the hobby longer ago than I care to admit, I saw LovingKayla regularly. I also saw TNTAngie a time or two and she shared space with LK. I stopped by one afternoon and had the quick pleasure of being introduced to Cathy. We hit it off in the three whole minutes we shared and a few months later I got the private message I had been waiting for. It was like a golden ticket. I wanted so badly to see her but I we couldn't make our schedules match and I never heard from her again.

Does anyone know if she's still around? I'd imagine she's long retired but again, the CD3 posts made me think of her.
Look for her profile.
She PM'd me about a post I had made and we exchanged a few messages, but apparently I didn't have the "juice" that would have made me worth the squeeze. Oh, well.
I saw Cathy a few times back in the ASPD days. I remember the first time I barely made it in the door before we were both naked and she was blowing me on her stairs for a LONG time.

We eventually made it upstairs and it just got better from there.
  • jwood
  • 11-30-2014, 05:04 PM
"A leap of faith shall be rewarded"
Numbersboy's Avatar
"A leap of faith shall be rewarded" Originally Posted by jwood
pyramider's Avatar
Did she ever post taint photos?
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 11-30-2014, 07:41 PM
Hmm.. Why does she sound so familiar...

Can't put my tongue on it... Hmm.
I got a pm from her very shortly after I joined ASPD and I was already aware of her reputation and MO. Apparently, I didn't pique her curiosity enough after a couple of messages/failed hook up attempts and never heard from her again.

Welcome back ~Ze~ bomb! I hope you're doing well.
mtabsw's Avatar
I was "chosen" but after many pm, texts and even some hot phone calls I wasn't able to schedule. A hole in my hobby life but hope springs eternal.
Had the AMAZING pleasure of her company once way back when. Top 5 all time hobby experiences, and Cathy is a lovely lady.
Back in the day when I was a regular of LovingKayla,got the privilege to sample both ~Ze~ and Cathy! Hope you are getting along better ~Ze~.
  • EZ.
  • 12-01-2014, 03:55 PM
I saw a Cathy a number of times during the ASPD days. If it was the same one, I was the second guy she had seen. I had to meet her, in person, before any BCD activities. That was long before I dropped off of ASPD and moved to Arizona.
Remember that house well. A veritable buffet of the best that the hobby had to offer at the time.

Cathy dear, I'm sure you or one of your minions is reading this. PM me and lets ketchup.
bigtom62's Avatar
I don't understand how it happened...I guess I never will.
Soon after I joined ASPD back in 04 I guess, I was in chat and was chatting with several people including Cathy.
A short time after I signed out of CHAT, I received an e-mail from the secretive one.
I don't know what I said, but thank goodness I said it. She sent me her phone number.
We met for a coke one day when I was in Dallas. That was it.
She was my Hobby Cherry Buster. We kinda became friends and I saw her several more times.
I seem to have forgotten her phone number. I am really surprised about that. Maybe she will read this and PM me. I haven't hobbied in several years and am gonna make a comeback for at least one more shot. It would be great if it was with her!
She was absolutely one of a kind BCD! Incredible!