When do you NOT post a bad review when you have had a "not-so" great session?

Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Last week I went to a new lady to get my eye lashes done and she did an awful job, the worst I have ever had. I am very active on yelp and would normally leave a bad review but this time I just cant because:

1. She was actually really nice

2. Because of her situation. She was a plus sized, AA lady that was not much of a looker. She has her cosmetology license and moved to Houston in January to get a job at one of the higher end spas, but she could not get hired because all the jobs went to the “thin white ladies” so then she decided she would get a small space and go to work for herself. I deeply respect her decision to control her own destiny and “create" a job for herself when no one would offer her one.

And manly for reason number 2, I just cant leave her a bad review …. I was hoping she was just having an off day and that the job she did on my eye lashes is not her normal work.

So I was wondering how often do you see a provider that really didn’t impress you, but you decided against posting a bad review?

Also if you have done this, what was the reason for you not wanting to post a “No” review?
The only time I find it better to not post a bad review is when it is the provider's first review. First reviews can either give the provider a chance, or they can kill a career before it can even get off the ground.

However, once a provider has one review, I think reviews should always be posted, especially when there are not so great sessions. If bad reviews never surface, what incentive would the provider have to improve? How would she even know that her clients dislike her work?

It seems fair to me for a person to share key points in reviews, the pro's + con's. Share what she was great at, and share what needs a little work. Be constructive, be honest. She was great at all of this, and these areas could use a little work.

As a provider, if you were continuously doing something that men hated, would you want to know, or would you prefer never hearing a word about it? I personally would want to know so I could do something about it.

Always tell the person directly if the service they provided was not up to par with what you had hoped for. If you want her to do well you have to let her know, her business will not survive if something doesn't change.
Greybeard44's Avatar
IMHO a "not so great" session should generally get a pass or an understanding review. There's a lot of things that can cause one of those. However, a "bad" session should be reviewed with no holds barred...

Just my $0.02 worth.

Spectre's Avatar
I hold back:

1) When it's a lack of chemistry.

Sometimes it just doesn't happen for me. Lady delivered as promised but I
didn't get the connection.

2) When it's me being stupid.

Sometimes I jump in without thinking and walk away saying to myself, "What the
F%#k was I thinking!?!?"
Big Lou's Avatar
I will post an honest review for every girl I visit, 1st visit only.

Too many here hold back.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I will post an honest review for every girl I visit, 1st visit only.

Too many here hold back. Originally Posted by Big Lou
Sure about that?
gearslut's Avatar
I"m not really sure what the point of your post was but what I took away from it was that you felt sorry for someone who did not do their job well because they were overweight, african american, somewhat unattractive and the cosmetology business is racist and biased. So are you going to go with your suspicion that perhaps she was having an off day and give her another shot?
richardblackman's Avatar
1) When it's a lack of chemistry.
I have had this happen a few times and I couldn't see giving a "no" as this isn't on the provider alone.
Not that I plan on writing reviews unless asked to specifically, or the experience is either incredibly rewarding or extremely horrid.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
I will post an honest review for every girl I visit, 1st visit only.

Too many here exaggerate. Originally Posted by Big Lou
I fixed that for ya
willdooit's Avatar
Why start a verbal war. Unless I get ripped off then I post but a bad session I just move on.
memdal's Avatar
That’s what the review section is for, to give all of us an accurate representation of what we are getting into. I will give a bad review for a bad experience, which I think I have only done two or three times. If you do your homework on a girl and read past reviews, you will generally come out okay. There have been several times when the experience has not been great that I can attribute to me just not getting into it, finding that for some reason we did not click, or once there realizing this wasn’t exactly my body type or style. In those cases, I generally post an honest description and give a yes review with a qualifier that the yes is for others to try, but I will not repeat.
surcher's Avatar
When it's so bad of an experience you're ashamed you were part of it and you could have opted out, you may not post it. Maybe a lady showed up and despite her best efforts, along with pharmaceutical help, you just couldn't respond.
  • BDD
  • 06-25-2013, 05:26 PM
I had a bad session earlier this year. Even called on the drive home to give her honest feedback. She offerred my money back. Wow! Didn't expect that. I did chime in that I was mostly to blame and told her to keep it. The chemistry wasn't there and we didn't communicate worth a damn. She did try and had other great reviews. Didn't want to start something on the board. She texted me a week later and asked me to call her. I did and she offered a free make up session. I passed, but was surprised at her efforts.
linux's Avatar
  • linux
  • 06-25-2013, 06:54 PM
Hey Brooke are you aware that your signature has grown so incredibly bloated and massive that it literally is generally larger than your posts?
chrissy's Avatar
Hey Brooke are you aware that your signature has grown so incredibly bloated and massive that it literally is generally larger than your posts? Originally Posted by linux

Damn I think I need to shrink mine then..Shit!