W is no friend of the Veteran

I thought W was for the troops. Apparently not. If you had any doubts, he's revealed himself for the greedy mf we all knew he was.

LexusLover's Avatar
"According to the charity’s yearly reports to the IRS, it raised about $2,450,000, after expenses, from the 2012 gala where President Bush spoke. The following year, the gala netted the charity substantially less, about $1,000,000.

"Speaking and traveling fees for the former President were paid by the charity, but the amount was underwritten by a private donor, the charity lawyer said."

7% is just a little more than a realty gets and the charity racked in over double from the previous fund raiser ... BECAUSE "W" spoke!

Can you ride a bike? How about Hillarious? John Kerry? Bill Clinton?

I guess "W" should have charged $500,000.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-09-2015, 04:05 AM
Sine we are quoting other parts of the article:

"A spokesperson for former President Bill Clinton said he "has never received" a speaking fee for addressing a veterans' group. A spokesperson for former President Bush’s father, George Herbert Walker Bush, said it has been several years since the elder Bush had given a speech, but said that he did not recall a fee being requested for charity events."

Nothing illegal about collecting a fee. Not even immoral. But considering the chain of events that led to so many of those lost limbs, asking for or accepting money to talk to them is damn poor decision making--which is exactly what Bush-2 has demonstrated for years. Good heart, weak brain, surrounds himself with some slime for advisors.
Sine we are quoting other parts of the article:

"A spokesperson for former President Bill Clinton said he "has never received" a speaking fee for addressing a veterans' group. A spokesperson for former President Bush’s father, George Herbert Walker Bush, said it has been several years since the elder Bush had given a speech, but said that he did not recall a fee being requested for charity events."

Nothing illegal about collecting a fee. Not even immoral. But considering the chain of events that led to so many of those lost limbs, asking for or accepting money to talk to them is damn poor decision making--which is exactly what Bush-2 has demonstrated for years. Good heart, weak brain, surrounds himself with some slime for advisors. Originally Posted by Old-T
Excellent points OT but as is always the case, LL's greatest mission in life is to defend The Shrub against any and all who dare to question Shrubbie's motives and/or judgement.

Since LLIdiot has once again taken the time and effort to defend "his guy" (The Wilted Shrub), I thought it would be a good opportunity to ask him the following (extremely relevant) question:

"If you knew during the Spring of 2003 what we know now, would you have (strike the word "still") supported the invasion of Iraq?"

As for me, the answer to the question is "still" NO!

What's your answer, LLIdiot?
At the very least, W is getting bad advice.

It makes no difference how noble his intentions were. It makes no difference that because of his being there, the charity brought in money ten fold.

In today's world, the only headline will be, as the OP pointed out, "W is no friend of the Veteran".
In today's world, the only headline will be, as the OP pointed out, "W is no friend of the Veteran". Originally Posted by Jackie S
I agree Jackie!

With that said, I could understand a former POTUS accepting reimbursement for transportation costs and/or rooming accommodations in order to speak at an event for wounded war veterans.

But charging a $100,000 fee and over and above that free private jet transportation to and from Houston is wayyyyyy the hell out of line.

Especially, since many of the veterans in attendance, were no doubt wounded on Shrubya's watch.

The wounded vets could have put to much better use the $120,000 than it going into Shrubbie's pocket.

At the very least, it was extremely poor judgement on Shrubbie's part.

Unfortunately for us all, poor judgement is a trait that came natural to President Shrubya.

I also agree with the OP: "W is no friend of the Veteran!"
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Bush derangement syndrome hits high gear when his approval numbers are higher than BO and HC.

Which btw is at 52%.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Sending thousands of troops off to fight, die and get maimed in an illegal, stupid war is not veteran friendly.
That is how you make veterans.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-09-2015, 11:23 AM

7% is just a little more than a realty gets and the charity racked in over double from the previous fund raiser ... BECAUSE "W" spoke!

I guess "W" should have charged $500,000. Originally Posted by LexusLover
He should not have charged a penny....which is the point that has sailed over your head.
Bush derangement syndrome hits high gear when his approval numbers are higher than BO and HC.

Which btw is at 52%. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
So you agree with him charging the fee, even when Clinton doesn't do it?
Most of you know my Opinion of 43.
As for the fee, they all do it.
Even when they don't report it.
Politician 101.
It's funny!
I've been out of any political forum for 6 years.
I come back and the "regressives" are still whining about GW!
It's good to see all y'all though.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Well hello 42!!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-09-2015, 02:18 PM
Bush derangement syndrome hits high gear when his approval numbers are higher than BO and HC.

Which btw is at 52%. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
What does that have to do with the question of pocketing $100k ?