Baltimore Fires Police Commisioner

Of course, the people who are really responsible for the current mayhem in Baltimore, the elected officials and State Prosecutor, are still on the job.

It makes no difference who the Police Commisioner is. The individule Cop on the street has lost all respect for the Polititians. They are not going to risk their lives corralling criminals, thugs, and punks when they know that those in authority will not stand behind them when Cops are forced into situations where extreme measures must be used.

The Polititians are the authors of this mayhem. They sent out a message that was taken by the street thugs to mean...."do what you want". And guess what. That is exactly what they are doing.
The State Prosecutor, in an attempt to pander to the mob, used a shotgun approach to indict 6 police officers on the most severe charges amaginable, knowing full well that most would never end in a conviction, setting the stage for another round of burning, looting, and thuggery.

That is, if there is anything left to burn or steal.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Was it because he was black?
Was it because he was black? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 07-09-2015, 11:36 AM
Fuck the whole bunch of them. That's who those stupid cocksuckers voted for, that's what they want, that's what they get. FUCK EM.
  • DSK
  • 07-09-2015, 01:31 PM
Was it because he was black? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Fucking racism got his black ass fired.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
No, he was hired because he was black. He was fired because he was incompetent or that's how the joke goes. The mayor needed a scapegoat. She hired him so this is really on her if she doesn't fire his ass. Don't know what she do next month when the shooting continue.
No, he was hired because he was black. He was fired because he was incompetent or that's how the joke goes. The mayor needed a scapegoat. She hired him so this is really on her if she doesn't fire his ass. Don't know what she do next month when the shooting continue. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
It's like you can't help racist shit from just falling out of your mouth.
It's like you can't help racist shit from just falling out of your mouth. Originally Posted by WombRaider
That doesn't work when the other person is an ACTUAL racist. Dicknip.
  • DSK
  • 07-10-2015, 05:26 AM
It's like you can't help racist shit from just falling out of your mouth. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Coming from a Mexican racist, that has to hurt.
Coming from a Mexican racist, that has to hurt. Originally Posted by DSK
Coming from a Jewish Welsher, that has to hurt.
Fucking racism got his black ass fired. Originally Posted by DSK
it wasn't because he was black..haven't you noticed the people in charge are all black....he was hired partly because he was black

the mayor like JD says, needs a scapegoat, but additionally the police and this guy do not get along..the city is imploding..he was I think the 7th police commissioner in 15 years, something like that?

murders and crime have skyrocketed and arrests have plummeted, who can blame the cops? these people are getting the consequence of their actions, I mean the thugs and the professional protestors and the city officials

as h.l. mencken said, they are baltimorons
That Confederate Flag came down yesterday in South Carolina. So we can assume that the killings in Baltimore, Chicago, and other crime ridden enclaves will now end.
  • DSK
  • 07-10-2015, 09:03 AM
That Confederate Flag came down yesterday in South Carolina. So we can assume that the killings in Baltimore, Chicago, and other crime ridden enclaves will now end. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Forever!! Originally Posted by DSK
And therein lies the problem. It's not a flag, it's an entire system of privilege. Having been constructed over the better part of 400 years, I don't expect it to be torn down in short order.