So I Can't Keep Up- Which Mongers Have Been Recently Been Banned- and Why?

Hollis Wood's Avatar
A lot of "inside baseball" stuff on the board these days.

Enquiring minds want to know.....

Keep it within the Guidelines!
Cat in the Hat's Avatar
Well. Toyz was banned and the general consensus from those that do not drink his cool-aid is that he and possibly/probably windinhishair are/were behind a few other handles in an attempt to get people to believe that whispers, rockerrick and someone else (I have not caught on to who the 3rd is yet) were posting with extra handles for the purpose of trying to keep them banned. I'm ot sure how that works but I'm sure someone will fill you in.
Well. Toyz was banned and the general consensus from those that do not drink his cool-aid is that he and possibly/probably windinhishair are/were behind a few other handles in an attempt to get people to believe that whispers, rockerrick and someone else (I have not caught on to who the 3rd is yet) were posting with extra handles for the purpose of trying to keep them banned. I'm ot sure how that works but I'm sure someone will fill you in. Originally Posted by Cat in the Hat

Whispy let's look at the logistics of your statement. Why would anyone try to keep you banned when you're still here? Exact same Whispy, same persona with just a different hat with stripes.

To claim someone would risk creating fake handles to keep you banned went you're still prevalent on the board just doesn't add up.

Try again. I'm sure you can do better.
black sunshine's Avatar
Scoreboard, who else is not here anymore?
dearhunter told you why, but you in your glorious ignorance choose not only to not believe him, you accused him of being rockerrick.
He was telling you straight up what happened.
Cat in the Hat's Avatar
Yet we were told exactly that by a long time senior member of the board that seems to be "in the know" on a variety of things.

Toyz was caught with another handle that he and you were accusing of being either whispers, rocker rick or a 3rd party.

You keep singing the same song but what was maybe a quartet has dropped down to a duet and far more are accepting of the fact that some of us just happened to join at a moment of mass paranoia being sppnfed by Toyz and yourself.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Toyz was caught with another handle that he and you were accusing of being either whispers, rocker rick or a 3rd party. Originally Posted by Cat in the Hat
And, you would know this... How?
Staff doesn't usually discuss these matters with anyone other than the person involved.
Cat in the Hat's Avatar
I know who I am and who I am not as well as what I've dealt with since registering. So I know what they say has little basis in fact

Wind was quick to try to cast doubt on dearhunter who I've read enough of to know is legit and even you seemed to suggest as much.

Of the members posting here on the topic I tend to put more stock in his opinion over theirs and he basically told us that was the case as to the reason Toyz was banned. Most of what he tends to write seems to imply a level of knowledge others do not have.
black sunshine's Avatar
Yeah GFE is playing stupid.... well maybe not playing.
gfejunkie's Avatar
How remarkably transparent.
OK I called it wrong on deerhunter and that is all the ammo you guys can come up with to defend yourselves? I didn't know for sure whether he was or wasn't a bandle. It's an anonymous board but understand that EVERYBODY here knows who you are.
Trying to distract with the Deerhunter smoke bomb won't change that one bit.

Deerhunter has nothing to do with how obvious you guys are as bandles.

I very explicitly stated I didn't know whether Toyz used a fandle or not but also stated that if he did then it was probably because he saw how blatantly you two get away with it.
I never condoned it but regardless you guys make it clear that it's OK to create Bandles if one doesn't care about getting caught.

Rick is so clueless his bandles get rebanned but he doesn't care because he has 100 more ready to go. You don't care about being caught for more obvious reasons.

If Toyz did get busted with a fandle while you continue to flaunt yours it only proves to everyone there is a very good reason why you would know the details of Toyz being banned and remain impervious yourself.

If you're trying to claim you're making this blatant accusation just because another monger suggested it then nobody is buying it.

Whispy we do believe you know the details of the ban but you know them for all the wrong reasons.
black sunshine's Avatar
Still clueless there Wind.
Still clueless there Wind. Originally Posted by black sunshine

Don't make me start tossing pebbles again. We know you can't stand that.
black sunshine's Avatar
Go ahead people just think you're a repetitive fool.
A no trick pony....because the clown thought of that.
What have you done besides ride clowns coat tails?
Go ahead people just think you're a repetitive fool.
A no trick pony....because the clown thought of that.
What have you done besides ride clowns coat tails? Originally Posted by black sunshine

Actually if you look back far enough you'll see I tossed the first pebble at your head (Including the bonk) and Toyz took it from there with your dog pics.

So far you've used the Trick pony analogy as RR and two different bandles. I even called you on it with the last bandle you got busted for yet you're so challenged that your brain can't process the thought "Hey maybe I should stop using that tell tale give away in my attacks".
black sunshine's Avatar
Thanks for pointing out the obvious, what do you think I and others have no memory? Oh yeah you're the only one smart enough to have recollection.
So far you've used the Trick pony analogy as RR and two different bandles. I even called you on it with the last bandle you got busted for yet you're so challenged that your brain can't process the thought "Hey maybe I should stop using that tell tale give away in my attacks". Originally Posted by Windinhishair
Maybe I like fucking with you because you are too predictable? You'd have to be an idiot not to see the simple things that wind you up on your quest to always be right. Just like your idiot clown pal. So how many handles you have?

Just like a top..... wind you up and watch you spin aimlessly.