Seasonal sex: a provider poll

First of all,...

Happy Spring Equinox, everybody.

According to legend, this is the time of year when a young man's thoughts turn to romance...

I wonder if there is statistical evidence to support that theory, and furthermore, what are the biological causes. Your thoughts ?
I seem to be pretty busy in the summer. I think with all the hot weather and less clothes that people wear everybody gets more horney. But then in the winter it's not that bad either because guys want to cuddle and stay warm.
My past experience has been ..spring and summer people had more funds available and they got horny more often it seemed. Winter months were always good but too many expenses for the family men during the holiday seasons. Understandably providing for family should always come first and hobby second. Family travel and vacations are also higher in the winter months.
TheWanderer's Avatar
Are any providers actually able to answer this question?
Or is it just - "Well, spring and summer are good but fall and winter are good too because we all want to snuggle."
I couldn't imagine being self employed and not knowing when my peak season was and why.

Family vacations and travel are higher in the winter months ?
Statistically speaking, my best season tends to be August-November... fall. Of course, I think this has less to do with seasons and more to do with available time and funds. Spring is rough courtesy of the tax man, winter as well due to lack of funds post holiday.

In terms of the amorous attentions of those that I see-- the gents in the spring do seem to be more voracious-- just fewer and further between
Are any providers actually able to answer this question?
Or is it just - "Well, spring and summer are good but fall and winter are good too because we all want to snuggle."
I couldn't imagine being self employed and not knowing when my peak season was and why.

Family vacations and travel are higher in the winter months ? Originally Posted by TheWanderer
I can't imagine this information being anyone's business but the providers, as it may differ from lady to lady. And the why's are nobody's concern. I say take what answers you get. Why don't you think of this question in terms of someone asking the gents what's their peak times of patronizing ladies. This answer is going differ with every gent.
I voted, I picked the last one, as I have no clue really. I don't keep up with seasons and business.
For me personally it seems that autumn and winter are the best, summer is the worst, and spring picks up AFTER people get their tax returns.

I am sure this will not be the case for all the ladies though, but I know for a lot of us that stay put in Dallas the summer can be slow. I imagine it is completely different for touring ladies and ladies with such a solid client base that they don't really have an "off season."

That's my $0.02
TheWanderer's Avatar
I can't imagine this information being anyone's business but the providers, as it may differ from lady to lady. And the why's are nobody's concern. I say take what answers you get. Why don't you think of this question in terms of someone asking the gents what's their peak times of patronizing ladies. This answer is going differ with every gent. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
Everything that is bought and sold has seasonal peaks and valleys. ( Housing, automotive, retail, etc. ) Everyone may have a different answer but statistically it's going to add up to a peak season. I have my own personal reasons for wanting to know and I would think that providers would want to know so that they could adjust their schedules, marketing and travel plans accordingly.
To go further into this--- not only season but location has some bearing. The DFW area is DEAD for me during the summer-- but other places on my "to do" list are so busy that I turn people away. Its not just a matter of season, but also location.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Everything that is bought and sold has seasonal peaks and valleys. ( Housing, automotive, retail, etc. ) Everyone may have a different answer but statistically it's going to add up to a peak season. I have my own personal reasons for wanting to know and I would think that providers would want to know so that they could adjust their schedules, marketing and travel plans accordingly. Originally Posted by TheWanderer
You must know by now that there are so many variables and nothing is set in stone in this business. There is no specific time for ALL the ladies as whole. I'm curious to know why these answers need to be so specific for you, but understand you might not want to share those for personal reasons. Somewhat like our business...yes?

I'm not trying to be obtuse...just sharing a thought on the matter. :-)

Edit: Also, I'm not sure how we can be compared to anything else that's out there for sale. Our businesses and our services are so personal and unique, not like we're a yard service or an automobile...LOL. ??? I don't get that....could be just me.
Its always nice to be thought of like product by men here. Pardon me, Im a bit sensitive today.

Some of us leaves town period. So our "product", can stay productive. In the winter while gents are debating fighting in traffic, braving snow... some of ua hot tail it out of here, where the people are already accustomed to snow and Ice. Not really a season peek or low, unless the provider is staying put and it really depends on how she works.

Now, I must take my product and toss it in the shower and cook it a meal. She's hungry. She keeps giving me the evil eye.

Everything that is bought and sold has seasonal peaks and valleys. ( Housing, automotive, retail, etc. ) Everyone may have a different answer but statistically it's going to add up to a peak season. I have my own personal reasons for wanting to know and I would think that providers would want to know so that they could adjust their schedules, marketing and travel plans accordingly. Originally Posted by TheWanderer

Good answer... some are us can pack up and go, and some us have to stay put. Couldn't tell you when im most busy, My busy is another girls really bad slow day.

You must know by now that there are so many variables and nothing is set in stone in this business. There is no specific time for ALL the ladies as whole. I'm curious to know why these answers need to be so specific for you, but understand you might not want to share those for personal reasons. Somewhat like our business...yes?

I'm not trying to be obtuse...just sharing a thought on the matter. :-)

Edit: Also, I'm not sure how we can be compared to anything else that's out there for sale. Our businesses and our services are so personal and unique, not like we're a yard service or an automobile...LOL. ??? I don't get that....could be just me. Originally Posted by M A X