From NQNS to NCNS...

Caitie Mae's Avatar
To everyone I have inconvenienced by my recent cancellations, rescheduled appointments, cancelled rescheduled appointments, last minute cancellations and now a lovely ncns to top it all off, I'm truly sorry for putting you out in any way.

I prefer to not go into the details here and now, but I am aware that there is no excuse for inconveniencing you as I have and I intend to make right on every instance.

You've all been very patient with me and I truly appreciate it more than I can ever say.

Thank you.

Guest091314's Avatar
A public apology is always classy! I recently had the same issue and still working through it...Good Luck!!!
Caitie Mae's Avatar
Seriously, if there's not an new review with "ncns" in the title then I don't know why. Honestly, I'm afraid to look and see. I certainly don't *want* that kind of review, but I am proof that the third time is not always a charm.

I promise I'm really trying to get it together. Hopefully the Cme you all know and love is just around the corner and these embarrassing posts will come to an end.
mtabsw's Avatar
Caitie - you continue to be a class act.
Have been waiting for you awhile so if you are interested I would like to schedule
Something this week please let me know
we all have issues from time to time.
Unfortunately,in your profession and with this forum,every mistake gets broadcast to the world.
As long as you stand up and take responsibility for your miscues and try and make good on your word,it will turn out good.
and i don't see any bad reviews on you,so no worries there.
Classy post ! Kudos to you for addressing your situation
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Anyone who's ever had the CME won't mind one bit. Those who haven't need to run the risk. It's damned sure worth it.
CM Darlin'

Life happens. We all have to deal. You are a classy, caring and amazing woman, and anyone worth your time will wait until your life stabilizes and you do have time. Thanks for letting us know that you are battling the crap and will return to us soon!

MaxiMilyen's Avatar
We all have things come up and some of us contend with bigger issues that need not be shared with the world. I hope it comes together for you as It seems you take pride in your reputation. This post is proof of that, at least to me and others here. Best to ya, sweetie!
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
I agree that sometimes real life gets in the way. A simple text or a phone call, which wouldn't take more than a few seconds of time to accomplish, could prevent a lot of frustration especially when there are no responses to confirmations sent in earnest.

When someone waits for hours for a response, it takes time from their day and alternate plans can't be made. Public apologies are classy, private apologies would be just as classy. If plans change it would be very courteous of either person to contact the other party as soon as possible, if at all.
Caitie Mae's Avatar
You are all so very kind for posting as you have on this thread. It really means a lot to me.

One of my major obstacles should be a thing of the past in the next day or two. Keep your fingers crossed. I've just got to send a message to the last guy this obstacle cock-blocked. Wish me luck.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I have no idea what happened in Caitie Mae's life that caused her to miss appointments. But this is a great example for other providers of how to apologize.

Brief. Sincere. And to the point. And it avoids the details of whatever it was that caused her problem. Because frankly, if she described it, it probably would sound more trivial that it in fact was and somebody would get their nose out of joint about the details. Brief. To the point. Sincere. No excuses, no drama. Good apology.
Don't know(or care) what anybody else says, Caitie. I still think the world of you. I loved our time together.
pmdelites's Avatar
anyone can do something not quite right and then apologize for doing so. and some folks will say "wow, really good that they apologized."

but, to me that's a start but not always enough. and believe me, i've done that in real life more times than i care to admit.

but the desire and the will to change the behavior or situation that caused the problem to begin with - that, to me, is a sign of someone who is working to do the right thing in their life and be a better person.

i am working on being a better person each day. it's not always easy, but i'm working on it.

caitie, more power to you!!!