Ever get jealous???

Guest062512's Avatar
Do you ever read a review of one of your favorite ladies, or perhaps a review by one of your favorite clients, and feel ever so slightly a pang of jealousy?

I'll admit to it on a few occasions. I do my best to swallow those pangs, but sometimes I just don't even read the reviews of my "besties".
BigPurdy's Avatar
Oh yeah. Been there, done that.
God..the day I get jealous cuz i read a review of a "favorite" client is the day I quit.. nothing is exclusive and hell hobbyiest and providers are seeing more people then they prolly review or get reviewed by.. that kinda stuff would just ruin it for me if I began to get jealous..

what would I be jealous of? that they didn't call me and spend money on me?

I get why some guys would do it per say, but don't really "get it" considering the nature of the business
Lana Warren's Avatar
Of course there are times that I feel pangs of jealousy when I see a review of one of my favorites! Jealousy is a normal human emotion and we are entitled to those feelings, it's just NOT okay to act on those feelings!
I enjoy seeing reviews of my favorite providers...because if she was only seeing you, she wouldn't last long here.
drez63's Avatar
Yep..occasionally....thought it was just me.......glad to hear I'm not alone
Me too.
But was afraid to admit it before.
Secret Horned Frog's Avatar
I can't remember being jealous of guys seeing the same girls that I have seen. If anything, I am happy that the lady has other guys to see besides me or else she might start calling me all the time hoping for me to see her more than I like or she retires and stops doing rubdowns.
Do you ever read a review of one of your favorite ladies...and feel ever so slightly a pang of jealousy? Originally Posted by Crossroads


I actually enjoy reading reviews of my favorite providers

It can be a turn on for me...makes me want to see her even more!
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
There was a time when I entered this arena that I had some feelings of jealousy when reading reviews regarding those whom I favored.
Now....I'm only jealous of those who have more hobby fund$ than I can justify.
Guess I should have gotten that advanced degree.
NOOOOOO!! Never have and never will. It just isn't my M.O. The glory of all this is to enjoy whatever flavor you are up for at that particular time.
Jealous....Schmealous! I kid.....yeah, I love my guys. I wish they were all mine!

I agree with Lana, jealousy is human nature...just can't and won't act on it.
Nope....Im happy he saw somebody else and had a good time. As some of us providers tour.

I do feel horrible if I see that a favorite client of mines saw another girl and had a less than stellar time. I do feel a bit sad.

Im under Reese. Score!!!!!!!!!!
elgato111's Avatar
Not jealous of her seeing someone else, only regret that I can't afford to see her as often as I would like. Plus glad to know I am not her only source of income, she would not last long.
GabrielaSweetheart's Avatar
I've never been jealous by a favorite, but when screening new clients and seeing some of the providers they've seen makes me a little intimidated.