Veet - Is it Safe

  • Duke
  • 03-22-2011, 10:40 PM
I saw a thread that suggested using Veet on the balls as an alternative to shaving. Bought some and the warning label says don't use it there.

So I want to check others experience before I get ready for my next big 'date'.
berkleigh's Avatar

Omg My ex husband used it and burned himself and his asshole BAD because he left it on tooooo long.

VEET does work but you must be careful because you can burn yourself.

If its so serious that you cant trim or shave, I advise going into a Salon and having a professional wax or help out.

Dont be embarrassed. I am almost finished with school and let me tell I am up on skin care so I have waxed and shaved many of BALLS whether it be a boyfriend, husband or client.

Be Safe Duke!
Bobave's Avatar
I tried it once, followed the directions carefully. Wound up with really irritated burning scrotum, bright red. Won't be trying it again, personally. Since then, I've been shaving; once I got used to doing it, it's no bother and causes no problems.
  • Duke
  • 03-22-2011, 10:55 PM

What is the value of waxing over shaving? How long does it last?

berkleigh's Avatar
Its B-E-R-K-L-E-I-G-H....

common mistake

Waxing, although slightly painful (not too much) pulls the hair rom the root, in which will take longer to grow back and will be smoother for you and your signifigant other

Shaving, takes times and you may not be able to get all the areas the wax can reach as well as you risk knicks and cutting yourself if you dont know what you are doing in that area or use a good razor.

bodygroom works well for me, and I shave everything off.
rachet3375's Avatar
No chemicals on the boys!!! Tried it once and burnt the whole gang so bad I wa sout of commission for over two weeks! Try and explain scabs on your dick to anyone. Shaving is my prefered method now but may try waxing due to the occasional nick, ouch!
Veet will burn and so will nair. Any hair products like that will burn for awhile, but they do work.
Waxing the balls.........Okay so glad im not a guy!
lisa I am crying from laughing so hard! GIRL I can just SEE you shaking your head while saying "waxing the balls"...OMG!

On topic, yes, those warning labels are there for a reason, they don't make the stuff up. I have never had waxing anywhere. I'm pretty fortunate to have very little body hair at all so it's never been an issue.

Back to lisa...I'm gonna be laughing about you all day!

If done correctly (Prep, type of wax used, post care), it doesn't hurt near as bad as one would think it would.

Biggest mistakes used:

1. No pre-wax oil/treatment used. This helps to open up the pores, making the hair removal easier.

2. Using the wrong wax. In my opinion, you should never use strip wax (The kind you pull off by placing a strip over the wax). There are other "hard waxes" that work much better and are much more gentle. Plus, with a good hard wax, you can go back over areas if you missed a hair or two. If you do it with strip wax, you're risking pulling out skin.

3. Post treatment. You should always post treat the area to help prevent bumps and redness. A great wax is almost pain free-- but man, those bumps will kill you if you don't do anything to prevent them.

I strongly advise against using Veet in those sensitive areas unless you are VERY cautious--- you will burn your skin if you leave it on too long, or if your skin happens to be sensitive to the chemicals.
  • Duke
  • 03-23-2011, 10:39 AM
December Love,

As I recall you are becomming an expert on skin care.

How to your prevent or reduce the bumps after waxing?


Proper exfoliation pre wax, using lavender oil post wax, there are also creams out there that help prevent bumps post wax.

Do not do anything that would cause excessive sweating within 48 hours of waxing. Don't take a hot shower within 24 hours of waxing. Those are the most common culprits.
Thats good to know.

I do not like getting my eyebrows waxed, I cant imagine that having done down there.

Well nice to know with proper technique it can be painless.
CoHorn's Avatar
Lisa, I'm glad you don't have balls either. I would need therapy after some of my dreams

On topic... I've used Veet before with no problems, but I've been told I have brass balls on more than one occasion