Sex Trafficking Study is Junk Science

Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
the subject is a serious matter, but here is a good article in the latest Dallas Observer:

this article does address something we're not suppposed to discuss here, but it is a good read.

Torito's Avatar
Without even considering forbidden subjects, the article reminds me of some things.

1. Statistics can be used to prove or disprove any point, depending upon the "correct" manipulation of the statistics.

2. Figures lie, and liars figure.

Good find, JP.
Six new observers were then turned loose to count "young-looking" sex ads on online classifieds sites like Craigslist and Backpage. . . . So the Women's Funding Network paid Schapiro to dramatically expand the study to include . . . Texas. The count of online classifieds featuring "young women" is repeated every three months. Originally Posted by Junk Science
I just had one question after reading the article--how can I get a job as one of the "observers?" After all, I'm already doing the work.
There were also a couple of very well pointed articles written around the time of the Superbowl. The first had addressed the rumored fables of the town getting bogged down by providers from all corners of the world. It essentially pointed out how ludicrous the guesstimates being spewed by media were by pointing out that if it were in fact true or near true it would mean there would be enough for every man woman and child holding a ticket to have their own personal playmate.

It is nice to see that some form of circulation is bold enough to bring a little perspective to light.
It is nice to see that some form of circulation is bold enough to bring a little perspective to light. Originally Posted by Elysa Scott
While I think the study highlighted in the article is junk, let's not get too carried away with the nobility and courage of the Dallas Observer. They own backpage. Clearly, they're more than a little interested in the public perception of the internet escort business.
Trafficking of young girls is just wrong, agreed. But this is another example of how government agencies exaggerate a problem because they want to expand and have bigger budgets. And politicians like David Dewhurst jump on the bandwagon because they want to look like noble and moral MFers. But they're out screwing around as well; e.g., that married GOP senator from Louisiana who was using his cell to call up providers while on the Senate floor.
I agree with you Shackleton, which is why I carefully chose to use the words "a little perspective" instead of the word truth when writing that.