Second Chance on NS?

jcdenton's Avatar
If a provider doesn't show or text do you give them a second chance? I know if it was the other way around they wouldn't. I just wanted to get some opinions on what is the norm to follow. Thanks. JC
pyramider's Avatar
It depends on what your level of desperation is ...
I have a real hard time giving a guy a second chance if he's NCNS'd me. He's got to have a damn good excuse.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-01-2017, 08:17 AM
If a provider doesn't show or text do you give them a second chance? I know if it was the other way around they wouldn't. I just wanted to get some opinions on what is the norm to follow. Thanks. JC Originally Posted by jcdenton
It depends upon the rest of the situation. In most cases it would make me cautious about trying again, but that depends on whether I have known her for a while, whether she reaches out to me afterwards, etc.

Real story: one lady NCNSd me one afternoon and I was upset. She called later that evening and apologized, saying she was at the hospital with her mother who was taken to the ER that afternoon. I went by the hospital to see if she needed anything (this was a lady I had known casually for a while) and indeed she was there with her mom.

Contrary to what some guys will tell you, real life--especially for single moms--does indeed happen at inopportune times. Kids do get sick, baby sitters do not show, etc. But still, in most cases, there will be adequate time that they should make a call.
cowboy8055's Avatar
It depends on the provider. Guys can be quite forgiving with young spinners. They can pretty much get away with anything.
dj8rocks's Avatar
As Claire says, the provider would have to have a very good, believable excuse to ncns. I typically schedule days, even a week or two in advance and check back in as the appt gets closer. There have been a couple of ladies in the AL and Panhandle section that I would have loved to spend time with, but never initiated contact due to their history of ncns. Good luck, dj8
HUMP!'s Avatar
  • HUMP!
  • 05-01-2017, 08:03 PM
OP: You might try a patient forgive-and-forget tone. In this way, I've enjoyed some very nice sessions that otherwise would have missed out on.
Personal schedules and time available do factor in, but there are times allowance can be made. All within one's own comfort level.

burkalini's Avatar
The old my car broke or my grandmother died for the 20th time is not a pass for NCNS. I know I'm a guy but I would say providers are more likely to be late or just blow you off than a guy would a provider. Hooker time means if they are within a 2 hour window they are on time. Don't get me wrong guys fuck up also and some providers are always respectful of your time but they are the exception and are the most successful ones.
joesmo888's Avatar
if no money was exchanged then for me it isn't a big deal as long as I had proper notice. there was one time I was actually driving to the incall and i got the email 15 minutes before.. GRRRR.

i saw the girl after that anyway, it was actually worth it..

i notice providers will no show when it is your first time seeing them at a very high % compared to repeats. i think this is due to them double booking and choosing the person they had seen before instead of you, which makes good business sense
The old my car broke or my grandmother died for the 20th time is not a pass for NCNS. I know I'm a guy but I would say providers are more likely to be late or just blow you off than a guy would a provider. Hooker time means if they are within a 2 hour window they are on time. Don't get me wrong guys fuck up also and some providers are always respectful of your time but they are the exception and are the most successful ones. Originally Posted by burkalini
I was late ONCE, and by exactly six minutes. I respect a gentleman's time, and I ask the same in return.
I have been delayed a couple of times due to traffic and stop lights. I made sure the lady knew I wasn't going to be a no show. One time was because I had gone to another inn by mistake lol we were talking the whole time lol lol
No. Same policy as many providers. Nothing personal, I never mention again to others, and stay positive and friendly; just no future appointments.
I agree that it depends on a lot of other information. In the 20 months that I have been an active hobbiest, I have had 4 NCNS from the Playmate of choice. I didn't hound them as it was happening. The agreed upon time arrived and crickets. I sent one text 15 minutes late to let her know that I was leaving and to please reach out to me if she had intentions of correcting the situation to please let me know. 3 of the 4 made it right and 1 of those turned out to be one of my most memorable experiences. The one that never made it right actually tried and ended up being a 2nd NCNS a few days later. She is the only one that I called out in an open forum in my area. She is no longer playing in my area.

I agree with HUMP above. Take a soft but firm concerned tone (not demanding) on an initial NCNS.

If a guy has a lot of NCNSs happening to him, it is one of two things ...
1) he has a negative rep in the powder room and the chosen playmate is discovering it at the last moment.
2) he is selection of playmates if piss poor!!

I schedule in advance (5-7 days) with quality Playmates with excellent reputation. I try to avoid drama. I attribute that to my low number of NCNS. 80 dates with only 4 NCNSs is an acceptable ratio in my book!!
Skittlez's Avatar
I find these comments very entertaining as I have experienced variations of almost all the scenarios mentioned above...

There is (of course) no hard and fast rule on this situation... and the circumstances are 'always' unique. That said, good communication is very helpful on both sides of the trade. With it, you can work around nearly all circumstances - and either get together or not - but still end up being 'friends'...

Without good communication, one side may feel very frustrated... From the male perspective, I've been there many times and waiting longer, sending repeated texts, calls and emails rarely works -- so, I always try to have a B and C plan at the ready... THAT really helps to take the edge off of the situation.

Then I handle the NCNS graciously and let her respond at a later time without all the condemnation. If she responds later with an adequate (truth or fiction story and) apology, then I decide whether to try again or move on along a very long list...

(Do understand), many providers do juggle kids, sitters and a stressful life.... and then we want them to be high IOP and elaborately coiffed hair with nicely done nails, lingerie, etc -- so I give them some slack on this... but it's a YMMV from me on that. I will not be repeatedly NCNS'd, BS'd, etc and then cross my fingers and HOPE FOR a good session.

Learn to never be desperate. There are many gals out there that would love to hear from you. Research is your friend. Experience (your own and others) should be your mentor.