Could not have said it better myself...

gfejunkie's Avatar
Triggered much?

"The New Left: Violent, Weak, Juvenile, Cowards"

"Of child-like tantrums in the face of disappointment. Harassing, threatening, and attacking anyone who dares to disagree with them. This is the new left. A collection of violent, weak, juvenile, cowards."

Sound familiar?

Fredo is triggered...


That video didn't last long.

However, the linked article is indeed spot on.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Well, shit! Somebody at Google must have been triggered by the video. Censorship. Gotta love it. It was a good one too. Perfectly illustrative. Somebody has to have saved it. If it turns up I'll repost it.

Fredo Cuomo went ape-shit! Funny.

Here's where it was...
gfejunkie's Avatar
themystic's Avatar
That does sound familiar. Donald Trump and his DTDS. Bunch of anti American scardy cats. We could given countless examples of the Trump fan. Lets see a recent one in El Paso comes to mind. Your kids are watching.......Boo......
does cuomo know johnny ola?
Now I have heard it all. "Fredo" is akin to the "N..." word for Italians. In what world? Or is Cuomo just triggered as the "son" not keeping the family path?

As it is Cuomo does indeed to appear to be a prime example of the whiny bitching little leftists that the OP article discusses.
bambino's Avatar
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
OK, I'm doubly amused.
I was going to post the Will Ferrell campaign HQ tantrum skit from the political satire "The Campaign". Quite appropriate for this thread.

But, it has been removed from youtube for violating youtube's terms of service.

amused cause it's an appropriate skit, then doubled cause of misleading censorship.
So when does comedic satire of politicians warrant censorship?

The 230 protections need to be reinstated.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Where is the ethnic slur? I wanted to see one. I haven't seen a good since the last time YR posted one. All I saw was a reference to a weak, pathetic character in a movie.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Hypocrisy and media hysteria and censorship all that the same time GOTTO LOVE IT
  • oeb11
  • 08-13-2019, 07:20 AM
Bottom Line- any criticism of leftist DPST's triggers "Outrage" and a reply accusation of "Racism"
Entitled, whiny, little Mom's babies cannot tolerate any disagreement with their "Narrative"
Spoiled little entitled juvenile Cuomo.
Typical DPST's!!!
gfejunkie's Avatar
Interesting that the original video is back. I guess Youtube (Google) didn't want to appear "biased". LMAO!!!

  • oeb11
  • 08-13-2019, 10:00 AM
Cuomo will just high-tail it to his Daddy and Brother for "Protection"!!!!