The Fake Lawsuit Agaisnt the Fake News Peddling Don Lemon

Chung Tran's Avatar

c'mon.. really? took him a year to file, and he deleted his anti-CNN Twitter handle. the story has zero ring of truth to it.

at least there was video of Chris Cuomo
Yeah but a women can come forth with her story that Trump raped her 25 years ago in a dressing room and everyone is suppose to believe it, lol. The accuser of Don Lemon might be lying because he was justified in putting Don Lemon on a stretcher to the Emergency Room and he didn't.
This from the guy that had this to say about Bret Kavanaugh...

Chung Tran
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This is awesome news. I stand with the women. ;-) LMAO
Ha! well, to be fair, just because only 2 have stood by their support so far, it doesn't mean many more would not. but what it does mean is that even if all 65 vociferously support Kavanaugh, it doesn't mean a God Damn thing. this type of behavior that Kavanaugh participated, allegedly, is a crime of opportunity. throw in some alcohol, along with a rowdy party and a chance out-of-site window to maneuver, and Kavanaugh turns into an Octopus. he may be Mr. Church Choir Boy, but give him that 5 minutes of opportunity, and he would welcome Satan with open arms.

When it's Don Lemonhead it's're crystal clear in your analogy. What "ring of truth" do your comments have
Chung Tran's Avatar
I don't know if it's your out-of-context post, or my drunken rambling at that time, but that post means nothing to me in view of my statement tonight, LOL..

FYI, there was a point in time when I was giving Kavanaugh accusers some benefit of doubt. but there was a Senate Hearing and follow up reporting that firmly place me in the "those Bitches were lying" camp. in that respect, I am a Grown up, I am fluid, and I seek justice
lustylad's Avatar
Hice said Lemon repeatedly shoved his fingers in his face and asked, “Do you like pussy or dick?”

We all know which one Lemon likes...
  • Tiny
  • 08-13-2019, 10:08 PM

“Mr. Lemon, who was wearing a pair of shorts, sandals, and a t-shirt, put his hand down the front of his own shorts, and vigorously rubbed his genitalia, removed his hand and shoved his index and middle fingers in Plaintiff’s moustache and under Plaintiff’s nose,” the suit says.

Hice said Lemon repeatedly shoved his fingers in his face and asked, “Do you like pussy or dick?” Hice claims he left the bar “shocked and humiliated.

A source close to Lemon told Mediaite that Hice demanded $1.5 million from the CNN host in exchange for not filing the suit."

Sounds like an obvious shakedown to me. If not Lemon needs to come up with some better pick up lines, maybe something like "Are you circumcised? May I see?" Nobody likes to have somebody rub dick fingers in your mustache.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Hice said Lemon repeatedly shoved his fingers in his face and asked, “Do you like pussy or dick?”

We all know which one Lemon likes... Originally Posted by lustylad
yes we do, which is why I'm grossed out by these charges.. while I THINK it is a false lawsuit, I don't KNOW that just yet. I hope when I watch Lemon from now on, I don't get a psychosomatic "smell" waffling from my TV screen
Nobody likes to have somebody rub dick fingers in your mustache. Originally Posted by Tiny
Has it happened to you...asking for a friend.
I don't know if it's your out-of-context post, or my drunken rambling at that time, but that post means nothing to me in view of my statement tonight, LOL..

FYI, there was a point in time when I was giving Kavanaugh accusers some benefit of doubt. but there was a Senate Hearing and follow up reporting that firmly place me in the "those Bitches were lying" camp. in that respect, I am a Grown up, I am fluid, and I seek justice Originally Posted by Chung Tran
No the context is whom you believe and whom you don' far as you're concerned FUCK benefit of doubt when it doesn't fit your templet. All the rest of that nonsense you spewed is ancillary garbage.
Just showing your hypocrisy that's all.
It is very possible that Lemonhead is a pecker sniffing pervert.
bambino's Avatar
So, Lemon grabs them by the cock?
rexdutchman's Avatar
Just more fallout from the me -too shit BUT isn't it funny how when it " one of them its all a lie " be when Kav , Big-T or anyone else its BIG news true or not ????
  • oeb11
  • 08-14-2019, 08:26 AM
As long as it fits the DPST narrative.

not the first time Don Lemon hs been assessed as gay.

I do not care - as long as he does not sexually assault others.

Looks like Lemon cannot restrain himself from his baser urges.
Chung Tran's Avatar
not the first time Don Lemon hs been assessed as gay.
Originally Posted by oeb11
assessed? he openly admits he is Gay.
themystic's Avatar
As long as it fits the DPST narrative.

not the first time Don Lemon hs been assessed as gay.

I do not care - as long as he does not sexually assault others.

Looks like Lemon cannot restrain himself from his baser urges. Originally Posted by oeb11
That’s not very ladylike oeb. DTDS are held to a much higher standard
Let it play out. If it happened, or not, a jury will decide.

Though I doubt it would get to a jury. Lemon is pretty popular with the CNN crowd, so CNN will pay if it gets as far as an actual trial.