review ...progress

Plastic Man's Avatar
guys yer ...plastic man done makin progress ons ...the review an be ats the stage ...wheres he be tryin ...ta decides from a number a review ...titles!

...nows here be ...the thing

...ifs yas remembers backs ...some ...time ago ...plastic man ...was havin thoughts a whats its would be ...likes ta splits ...downs ...the middle a his penis withs a knife

...well thats be in the past buts nows ...plastic man obsessin bouts buyin ...ones ...a them giant cakes ans thens poppin outs a its ...ats a party whiles wearin a pairs ...a plaid pants
Whew... good that progress is being made....
lilylivered's Avatar
guys yer ...plastic man ...wearin a pairs ...a plaid pants Originally Posted by Plastic Man
Whew... good that progress is being made.... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
I would have to say that, the concept of Plastic Man wearing pants, is quite a bit of progress!!
Champagne Brown's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Originally Posted by Champagne Brown
Originally Posted by Champagne Brown
You would be perefect for our ol pm....

We miss you in Buffalo!!
Come back for another parade....