The 3 Types of Providers

I've come to believe that there are basically 3 types of providers. I offer this insight for discussion, and perhaps to lead to a very simplified way of reviewing: a provider is either in Category 1, 2, or 3. Please feel free to comment, (or just call me or each other names, which is what usually happens here).
1) Providers who do not really like sex, but do it anyhow because she has to or thinks she has to. These providers are sad at best, and pathetic and/or dangerous at worst. They are to be avoided, unless all you care about is blowing a load for the least amount of money possible.
2) Providers who think sex is ok, and have found that they can earn a living doing it. These are often your high-end, model-type providers, who really just want the finer things in life and who would probably be fucking for them anyhow (i.e. married). Sex is fine with them, but if they could just sit by the pool and wear diamonds and beautiful clothes and be all swank without sex, they'd be fine with that too. They are for some people, and fucking them may be enjoyable if you find that (often made up) beauty is better than enthusiasm.
3) Providers who LOVE sex and who are thrilled that they get paid for doing one of their favorite things. Its their dream job. They want to fuck all the time and love what they do. They would probably be fucking every chance they got anyhow. They are to be cherished, adored, appreciated, and enjoyed. They will give you the once-in-a-lifetime type experiences and are worth every penny and then some.

I have had the poor sense to know too many #1s, I've learned that #2 is just not for me, and that the #3s that I know and have known keep me coming back for more, and more, and more. Generally I don't review the #2s, because they don't do anything wrong per se, they are just not my thing. I review the #1s as a public service; and only review the #3s out of respect, because I would much rather not tell anyone and have them to myself (or so I delude myself into thinking).
Heads up for tomorrow's review of a clear #3...
Plastic Man's Avatar
ya puts a lots a thoughts inta this but ya ...done ...fergots number ...four

...bigguns who dones haves lots ...ta say an love cuddlin
My opinion is most in the #3 category are just good actresses. They want us to think they love sex so much (especially with us!!) we'll keep coming back for more. If they really love sex that much then they wouldn't have to blow up our phones every time they need money.

Again, this is my opinion:
The #1 category includes about 85% of providers
The #2 category includes about 5% of providers
The #3 category (true and honest #3's) includes about 10% of providers
Anytime you can boil people down to 3 categories (generalizations) you can simplify things so that your own simple mind can handle a very complicated situation.

Me? I can boil it down further - only 2 categories of providers.
1) Those providers I want to see
2) Those providers I don't want to see

Simple - Thanks for your input!!
Anytime you can boil people down to 3 categories (generalizations) you can simplify things so that your own simple mind can handle a very complicated situation.

Me? I can boil it down further - only 2 categories of providers.
1) Those providers I want to see
2) Those providers I don't want to see

Simple - Thanks for your input!!
Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
I'm an over-thinker. Your 2 categories are fine by me too.
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Colledge students and business owners whew
DallasRain's Avatar
I am number why Im still rockin boots at 56
Come visit us in Buffalo -- we are lacking in threes....
We'll even let you Reign on our Parade!!!
DallasRain's Avatar
Lol. Mmm tempting

Im just a horny old lady!!
#3 for me !! I have two great providers who prefer to not be reviewed, as I am a selfish bastard !!
Amen brother. I have had the good fortune and patience to have found 2 #3s. I don't want to review either; and while I am selfish I don't want to be greedy (lust, gluttony, and sloth being my favs of the 7 deadly sins. So a review of one of them is coming this afternoon. I hope to get together with both of them in the near future. If so, I will review (provided I survive the encounter).
Mr Dingleberry's Avatar
#1 Im sure plenty like sex just fine not sex with Johns. You think most of these girls like old men, fat men, smelly men, dull men? Not.

#4 Those that love sex just not with Johns. They still do a good job and act like they enjoy it. They treat it like business/have work ethic knowing what it takes to succeed in this industry and fake it all the way to the bank.
DallasRain's Avatar
I like old fat men! 56 I aint the youngest either lol!
My motto..I need a chubby hubby for my chunky monkey!
I like old fat men! 56 I aint the youngest either lol!
My motto..I need a chubby hubby for my chunky monkey! Originally Posted by DallasRain
Let's talk....😁
She absolutely NEEDS to come to Buffalo.....
We will have an EPIC Parade.... ask Champagne Brown how much fun we are!!