The Cure for Unemployment

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This will piss you off, but surprisingly, enforcing the law has positive effects. Who ever would have thought that?

Good bye!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hmmm . . . Kinda dumps on your liberal ideology, eh?
waverunner234's Avatar
Hmm, I only get "webpage not available". Was that what you wanted to show us?
I B Hankering's Avatar
It says: "Alabama Law Pays Off: Unemployment Down Sharply After Crackdown on Illegal Aliens"
Cap unemployment insurance; and link it to work for pay program.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Gee, you guys are a bunch of freaking geniuses. Labor is a commodity like anything else and effected by supply and demand. Since the relaxaton of our borders in the last 75 years has had more to do with keeping labor costs down by allowing additional people into the country (who by the way will not show up in domestic labor stats) certainly it will decrease unemployment once they are no longer eligible to be hired. This is good, but in time it will also lead to an increase in labor costs and supply edges closer to demand. So, all of you free marketeers, let the market do its job and quit tampering with labor supply in order to game that end of the system. Unfortunately, most of you righties just can't bear paying the going rate for labor since you believe people who are not exactly like you are inferior. I guess you just aren't that into growing consumers.

Whirlygig, let's cap UE insurance and continue to penalize those who cannot find work. BTW, you guys' who continue to say "they can find work if they want to" are merely demonstrating a willful, continued ignorance of facts similar to your stance on global warming. Just keep on saying that the sky ain't blue during the day, I'm sure it will eventually come true. LOL, as a matter of fact, it will, once enough sh*t gets dumped into it.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So you are opposed to enforcing the law. Hmmm . . .
Randy4Candy's Avatar
You might want to read it again.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Gee, you guys are a bunch of freaking geniuses. Labor is a commodity like anything else and effected by supply and demand. Since the relaxaton of our borders in the last 75 years has had more to do with keeping labor costs down by allowing additional people into the country (who by the way will not show up in domestic labor stats) certainly it will decrease unemployment once they are no longer eligible to be hired. This is good, but in time it will also lead to an increase in labor costs and supply edges closer to demand. So, all of you free marketeers, let the market do its job and quit tampering with labor supply in order to game that end of the system. Unfortunately, most of you righties just can't bear paying the going rate for labor since you believe people who are not exactly like you are inferior. I guess you just aren't that into growing consumers.

Whirlygig, let's cap UE insurance and continue to penalize those who cannot find work. BTW, you guys' who continue to say "they can find work if they want to" are merely demonstrating a willful, continued ignorance of facts similar to your stance on global warming. Just keep on saying that the sky ain't blue during the day, I'm sure it will eventually come true. LOL, as a matter of fact, it will, once enough sh*t gets dumped into it. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Hmmm? Which option is less costly? Paying taxes to cover the welfare/unemployment stipends to an unemployed American worker to sit on his ass AND covering his/her and the foreign “undocumented” worker’s emergency healthcare AND covering their costs for educating and feeding their kids in public schools since they are not paying taxes (the American is unemployed and the illegal is often paid in cash) AND pay for the labor of an illegal, OR simply pay an American worker the market wage and let him contribute tax dollars to his neighborhood schools and pay for his own health care, etc., and remove the illegals and their families from the financial equation. Gosh Randy, can you imagine which one is actually cheaper?
Watch the ag business go tits up without the cheap labor .
I B Hankering's Avatar
Watch the ag business go tits up without the cheap labor . Originally Posted by ekim008
Believe it or not, the U.S. government actually grants temporary work visas, H-2A Seasonal Agricultural Workers, to foreign workers.
London Rayne's Avatar
Hmmm? Which option is less costly? Paying taxes to cover the welfare/unemployment stipends to an unemployed American worker to sit on his ass AND covering his/her and the foreign “undocumented” worker’s emergency healthcare AND covering their costs for educating and feeding their kids in public schools since they are not paying taxes (the American is unemployed and the illegal is often paid in cash) AND pay for the labor of an illegal, OR simply pay an American worker the market wage and let him contribute tax dollars to his neighborhood schools and pay for his own health care, etc., and remove the illegals and their families from the financial equation. Gosh Randy, can you imagine which one is actually cheaper? Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Doc Holliday's Avatar
OR simply pay an American worker the market wage and let him contribute tax dollars to his neighborhood schools and pay for his own health care, etc. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
the jobs available to illegal immigrants typically do not offer health insurance and are at a rate, or at least attracts a group, that can not afford home ownership, so property and school taxes would not be paid. At least in a conservative, no income tax state like Texas which has, as you can imagine a large illegal work force.

Illegals do pay sales tax. But a lot of them also send a sizable portion of thier income back home. Which I believe the feds should take a cut from, like a tax on wire transfers out of country or something. There are issues with illegals I do have, some are unwilling to acclimate (but some of us don't want them to either). But from an economic standpoint, they are good for the nation. At least it's better than sending them home and the job they did to another, cheaper, country.

As for Alabama, they can do what they want, I'm all for state's rights.
I B Hankering's Avatar
the jobs available to illegal immigrants typically do not offer health insurance and are at a rate, or at least attracts a group, that can not afford home ownership, so property and school taxes would not be paid. At least in a conservative, no income tax state like Texas which has, as you can imagine a large illegal work force.

Illegals do pay sales tax. But a lot of them also send a sizable portion of thier income back home. Which I believe the feds should take a cut from, like a tax on wire transfers out of country or something. There are issues with illegals I do have, some are unwilling to acclimate (but some of us don't want them to either). But from an economic standpoint, they are good for the nation. At least it's better than sending them home and the job they did to another, cheaper, country.

As for Alabama, they can do what they want, I'm all for state's rights. Originally Posted by Doc Holliday
True. Agricultural jobs are subject to going overseas if labor becomes uncompetitive. Much produce today is already imported from Latin American countries. However, construction jobs cannot be shipped over seas, and many illegals are employed in that industry as carpenters, electricians, plumbers, roustabouts, etc. Those jobs should be filled by American labor - as any Union boss would argue.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Watch the ag business go tits up without the cheap labor . Originally Posted by ekim008
And your solution is to ignore the law? How much of the price of ag commodities are labor costs? I think you are so left that facts no longer matter.