a question of hair color

I have intentions to dye my hair and was wondering if you guys thought a bright color would make getting jobs more difficult. I was considering the color blue. would like any suggestions or comments.
Whatever u shall choose should totally be up to u ad what u will like, not the opinions if others because it is ur hair
Although Mina is right, you can and should do whatever the hell you want to, I have a different opinion on the matter. Now, I for one, am here, at the end of the day, precisely for the freedoms of being able to do things like that. Being able to do whatever I want, when I want, and not answer to anyone.

That being said, this scene is dominated by well to do upper middle class and up. These men want discretion above all. They want to be able to call you to a hotel, and not worry that security will follow you. They want class. Not saying blue, or any other unnatural hair color is trashy by any means, it's just that most guys would have at least a moments more hesitation and forethought about calling you if they had to factor in how you'd be received where ever he's at. Here in Biloxi, you walk into the Beau Rivage with blue hair, and you're going to be stared at hard. Maybe watched... No one wants to think of that when already engaging a call girl. Hard Rock, you'd get ask what brand.. I don't go to the HR often though, and I know most of my clientele prefer knowing that I'm perceived as just a pretty girl walking through to anyone I encounter. It might seem petty, but when a mans entire empire rests on your ability to keep secrets, blending in with crowds is probably your best bet. So, personally, I would recommend against it.

But hell girl, if you want to let your freak flag fly, get some temporary stuff!!! Blue, Neon Pink, Orange, Green... Rock it for the concert, party, week end, or the day, and wash it away! Best of both worlds!
DallasRain's Avatar
highlights would be cool!

'post pics if you do!
I think Calista is right, it may draw too much attention
vicinms's Avatar
I have intentions to dye my hair and was wondering if you guys thought a bright color would make getting jobs more difficult. . Originally Posted by Foryourpleasure
Well that really depends on what kind of jobs you're looking for! If your talking strip clubs or AMPS, it's all good. On the other hand, most typical jobs have some sort of dress code and wild hair colors, excessive tatoos, and piercings would usually not be well received in job interviews.

As for me (and probably most guys) seeing a girl with an attention attracting appearance of that nature, then I don't see an issue for incall appts since all I have to do is knock on the door and slide in. However, coming to my hotel room after drawing the staff attention, maybe not so much!
I am glad for the responses... it does seem true that extreme hair color is more noticeable than the average client wants so after much thinking and debating I have decided to keep my hair natural. I will instead get my ink touched up and go from there. part of the reason I was thinking about it was that I always wanted crazy hair and the normal job market barely tolerated my tattoos. One of these days it may be normal to be weird.

hugs to everyone
I think it would be really very sexy! Are you talking about your pubic hair? Maybe green for Christmas, Yellow Easter, Blue for the summer. Look forward to seeing you one day soon
BytheSea.. I will SOOOO be looking into genital area safe dye now!! Thats an awesome idea!
Calista what would also be awesome if you and Mina would not shave for a year. Now that would
be really a ---- See You EVERY FRIDAY TYPE OF TURN ON
Now u know I could not do that!!!
LOL well, I shaved it all off to start a different pattern.. Have pink and purple dye, and a few stencils coming! I'm thinking either a downward facing arrow or a heart.. Decisions decisions.. I like a trimmed look, the unruly wild thing isn't for me.
You can always buy clip in hair pieces and keep them in your purse then excuse yourself to the restroom and clip them in before your session just as a nice surprise for the gentleman. If he doesn't like you just take them out. Just a thought. I know they come in a variety of colors and look more like highlights but it might give you thrat satisfaction of something different and wild that you desire without the permanent commitment or attention when you don't want it.
