A quick thank u, Jackson guys!

Thank u to the ones that I got to visit with and to the ones I didn't get a chance to see, I'm making one last pit stop in July.
Due to unforeseen wardrobe difficulties with my travel buddy, the entire trip to Jackson is CANCELED.

I'm genuinely, and sincerely sorry to those who made plans with me, forgive me for flaking out last minute. Before I spend my money, and your time next round, I'll make sure to have all my ducks in a row
. If I could make it up to Jackson in my bucket, I would!! Unfortunately, I'm still trying to recover from my boxing match with a bulldozer, and my poor car simply won't make it.

So, it's Biloxi beaches for me, for now. Time to soak up some sun, bronze up, and enjoy the Gulf Coast in all it's glory. Hope there are no hard feelings, and if you make it down to little B Town, I'll be here to welcome you in.
Ok. Haruka...why in the fuck are u posting another providers cancellation on my thank u post? Are u trying to say something here???
I'm simply going to say mid your own business please. Calista can post her own commentary, not needing someone else to do it for her.
Hey, Nino, you're in no way cute, mind your own fucking business.. A fire started will quickly be quenched. You have no business re posting my thread, and you don't need any help making yourself irrelevant. Back the fuck up.
What goes on between 2 people, is of no consequential concern for an outsider! Back up out of shit!
Miss39402's Avatar
Omgoodness....Seriously??? Where do you get off posting that. It appears as if she's calling you a liar, Calista. Maybe she needs to read the entirety of your post. Calista is thanking the men past & present. She made NO indication she had been there recently. She also states she'll be back in July.
Can we please close this thread???
vicinms's Avatar
Due to unforeseen wardrobe difficulties with my travel buddy, the entire trip to Jackson is Cancelled... Originally Posted by Ninotsugi
I must have missed some drama somewhere because I see absolutely no reason for this post to be here or repeated at all! This is a good time to review the rules, specifically referring hijacking threads.

#6 - Respect the topics presented by those who start a thread. Attempts to derail a thread or change it's direction is referred to as thread hijack and will be discouraged. Attempts to guide a thread in the right direction are appreciated, while responses to posts which hijack a thread are not.