Paid For

Book: Paid for by Rachel Moran
I am sure I will catch some grieve for this thread but oh well!
I am an avid reader to the point of 3 to 4 books a week. I saw this book advertised and decided to read it. I have not made up my mind what this will mean for me but it was an eye opener.
If nothing else it opened my eyes to what providers go through and how must of the time they are mistreated and shown no respect.
Rachel Moran worked in the hobby for several years from the time she was 14 or 15. It is a story of her life and she decided to write this book as she got out of the hobby and made the decision to write it under her real name.
I have nothing but respect and admiration for this lady as knowing it had to be tuff and gut wrenching.
I do not suggest your read it or not but I will just say all of us hobby for one reason or the other and it is a lot harder on the provider than the client.
Any way think what you may but I thought it was worth noting what one person that has lived the hobby and how it effected their life.
One last comment: Rachel got into the hobby after leaving home and living on the streets with no shelter and no food. Keep this in mind if any of you decide to skip out on leaving the agreed on funds.
My apology if any provider and client take this the wrong way as it is a published book and it is an eye opener for what we take for granted.
Definitely going to check it out.HD thanks for information on this subject.
LehaLea's Avatar
Well I don't see anything wrong with what you wrote because that is correct it's so much harder on the provider . 95% of the time unless you have developed a close friendship with your client the hobbiest only see what we are presenting to them at the moment which is a well put together happy provider all made up and pretty ! I can honestly say I did not grow up saying my dream was to be a provider , we all go through or have been through something or have things to pay or kids to raise and this line of work is the only thing that can possibly and fastly get you where you need to be when you have no one to depend on. It your self. Then once you do it for a while you get used to the income and it's very hard to go back to a week to week or bi weekly income and to have to do with out what you are used to or just plain and simple like me I danced for right at 15 years and now this I have no work history so we do what we have to and enjoy and appreciate all the friends we make in the experience !!! Thanks Harley you are one of my few great friends on here !!
Thanks Le. The book describes your struggles and the not so nice the things providers have to deal with daily and with every session. It will defnitely make clients change their opinin of providers and women.
Have a greaat night my friend.
LehaLea's Avatar
Thanks Le. The book describes your struggles and the not so nice the things providers have to deal with daily and with every session. It will defnitely make clients change their opinin of providers and women.
Have a greaat night my friend. Originally Posted by Harley Diablo
Yes it most defintly will change the way they do! And you have a great night too!!
Cassmann's Avatar
And personally I have Great respect for the providers, and can't see why anyone would want to disrespect them or treat the badly. Sure, I know it happens, but for what they deal with, with us Men, they deserve a Great amount of respect!! But that's just my 2 cents!!!
LehaLea's Avatar
And personally I have Great respect for the providers, and can't see why anyone would want to disrespect them or treat the badly. Sure, I know it happens, but for what they deal with, with us Men, they deserve a Great amount of respect!! But that's just my 2 cents!!! Originally Posted by Cassmann
Thanks cassman
I always try to see the view from the other side of any job sort of like Mike Rowe on dirty jobs..until you have done it you really don't know the things go thru for a job and ive talked to enough providers to know I wouldn't want to do their jobs even if I was a female...Men are we ask for things and expect things that would make your hair curl.
Lot of men treat providers like a piece of meat and they forget they have feelings and most have families they are supporting. I know most providers choose to do what they do but we ought to treat them better because they are the ones that make us happy. I never haggle over price and I try to bring some type of gift everytime I see someone and I try to make it fun. I have several provider friends that say one day they ought to write a book...maybe then they would get more respect or at least it might make their job easier.
I have the utmost respect for every woman...especially providers.
drinkindreamin's Avatar
When I started the hobby 7 yrs ago my first provider was a struggling mother. I often felt guilty that I was using her and taking advantage of the situation. My guilt got so that I just began to help her no strings attached as did I with a couple others. I tried to be her friend although that did not work out. Since that time I've encountered struggling mothers with felony convictions or mothers trying to work, and go to school. Then there was the CEO provider of a struggling company that was about to lose her home. A provider I was seeing called squalling one night because she was out
Of money and needed gas with no where else to turn. I drove an hour to help her out. Let's not forget the ones that asked would I wire them money. It's all types in this business. Then there's the provider that just likes to fuck. It's not about the money, or providing for her family. She just likes dick. I honestly tried to do the right thing and help them out. At the end of the day I was never their friend but only an easy score with a soft heart. So what we do is what it is. I took advantage of her, she took advantage of me and it really didn't matter to either of us. Now as men we are just as much to blame. Maybe if we were better husbands ,fathers and sons. Our wives, daughters and mothers wouldn't have to turn tricks to pay the bills. Most of us don't understand what's behind the lip stick.
mrredcat43's Avatar
Drinkin', I know exactly what you mean. This last week, I picked up a book called "The Gift of Fear", helps you pick up on the small signs of a con, but sometimes you already know, and your inner voice is saying, "I TOLD YOU SO"

I'll have to pick this one up HD, sounds like a good read.
silverstate53's Avatar
Well said there HD - i always approach a lady respectfully. I have had ONE that i helped in a big way and have a lasting non hobby relationship with.
Yes sir silver, I also have tried to help where I can. It says in the book that clients think because they pay, they own the provider for the time spent. Meaning they can do what they want, push the limits they have and the client is only interested in filling his fantasy. Honestly I know this is true but sad. Paying someone for their time does not give anyone the right to abuse a person and make them do acts they are not comfortable with.
Well enough said by me and No I do not point fingers at anyone as I have not met any clients in person and only know what takes place based on their words in the reviews.
OK sorry, I am finished on the soap box but the book really had an effect on me.
silverstate53's Avatar
For the experience to be good it has to be mutual enjoyment hence a few 3 plus yrs experiences that are just that good
drinkindreamin's Avatar
For the experience to be good it has to be mutual enjoyment Originally Posted by silverstate53
Exactly.. That's the reason I like to talk to my lady before we get down to business. Where I can feel her out on her place in life and she know mine as well. There's been times were I just suggested donating to her cause if she really wasn't into the whole deal. I never want anybody to feel as if I took advantage,forced or that they have to do something they don't want to do. I've just had some odd things happen over the years. One had a kid with my birthday, couple said they had a spouse with my name and my name is not an everyday name. I know for a fact one did because I looked the shit up. So I don't know...You know its not like this thing we do is on the up and up, if it was we would call it Sunday School instead of the hobby. The down side of this industry or business in just the nature of the beast. A guilty conscience is just part of being a descent human being that I think most of us struggle with.
For the experience to be good it has to be mutual enjoyment hence a few 3 plus yrs experiences that are just that good Originally Posted by silverstate53
Like many of you who posted above, I believe most of them (not all but most) deserve our respect. I even hate to refer to them as providers. I prefer to call them Playmates!! Yes, it is to be a business transaction. But let's both have fun while transacting!! It is my hope that we both enjoy our time together and treat each other in a fashion that will have both of us looking forward to the next time.