➡️➡️ Time Waisters And NCNS'ers ⬅️⬅️

LehaLea's Avatar
Iand another provider I know for sure are having very frequent guys simply just waisting our time or they are a NCNS and it's beginning to become a issue..You guys expect 100% out of us providers and to be happy after a visit we'll we take our jobs seriously the most of us anyways and the time we spend to PM, email,screening, checking references and so on on that one guy and book a spot just to have been toyed with and time waisted and most important missing the appointment that could not flex in his schedule for one who was not serious from the start.. We all have lives,, bills,kids, pets, grandkids whatever every one has expenses and bills that have to be paid so when you go to work everyday it's for a reason and a purpose well our job is no different from any other job it's what we do to survive and make it ..So I'm going to ask you guys who are doing this and you know who you are im not going to call out names at this moment I'm going to ask that you have more respect and courtesy for our time just as if it were yours and respect that our time is just as valuable as your own time ...I'm hoping that this comes to a emediate stop and every one can provide and hobby and have fun be happy and respect one another..Shall this not stop you leave us no option but to expose your handle and post a thread in info share section and the powder room so all providers can see that you are a time waister or a NCNS whichever it may be..So find your BigBoy Pants and stop behaving like immature little boys!!!
Sorry this is happening to you ladies. It's one of the things that make this hobby frustrating especially since respecting each other cost nothing.
MajicPlayground's Avatar
Sorry to hear this is happening so much again. However it seems a few ladies have been guilty of the same so not casting any stones. But I am definitely rethinking who I work and play with .... too much drama for me
Good luck everyone making all play nice. I have had so many things happen over the years it just don't surprise me anymore. lol.
Everyone is guilty at times but hey it is still the must fun one can have in a hobby for sure.
drinkindreamin's Avatar
I try not to make a date if I think anything maybe a conflict. However I have had to cancel because of sickness, family and a surprise in my schedule that conflicted the date. I always try to give 12 hrs or a days notice to see where things stand or if I need to cancel. What would you ladies consider appropriate notice time should a client have to cancel.. As we know things do happen with schedules and family emergencies.
mrredcat43's Avatar
What is so hard about keeping appts?? A cancellation within 48 hrs of appt and you're on the hook for the session. You don't know what plans have been shifted around to accommodate you. Do the right thing and keep things kosher.
LehaLea's Avatar
Sorry this is happening to you ladies. It's one of the things that make this hobby frustrating especially since respecting each other cost nothing. Originally Posted by Headkeeper
Exactly ! Costs nothing at all!
Things happen not to long ago I had a appointment set up text the provider before I left the house it's a 25 mile drive to town. When I get to the hotel text her and let her know that I have arrived nothing for 30 minutes so I leave. I'm on my way I get stopped for speeding here's where my luck changes just a warning. Then get a text from the provider with a picture she had eye surgery early that week and was putting in her contacts something went wrong her looked bad so yes some times crazy things happen it's just life.
MajicPlayground's Avatar
We all understand that things happen....I got strep last time I was in Midland and had to scramble to change appts and take off for several days till I was sure I wouldn't share it lol. It's not those things that aggravate us so much as the ncns when someone doesn't have enough respect to man up and say you have to cancel. Sometimes the reason is obviously questionable, but at least it's a call . Or someone who just wants some attention and has no intention of scheduling.

As for cancelling....as soon as you know it won't work . Those crazy things that happen are understandable and I wouldn't hold anyone on the hook for payment. The earlier ANYone knows an appt is cancelled, the more time they have to schedule with someone else

My Majic 2 cents
Just my outlook on this.When I want to see someone I book with my preferred411 account so both parties have proof.Never had a problem I can see what I need so I can make a decision on a provider. Eccie is a more for just letting me know what going on in the area. So Lea I know it might cost you some clients but if you get a request from excise ask them to send you a request thru there p411 these might cut a lot of these kind of stuff out.
I'm​ am not sure there is a solution to this issue on either side of the fence. Well, there is a solution called basic respect or common courtesy for others. However, the trend in our current society is moving further and further from that. We see it in every part of our RW lives. What leads us to believe it will be any different in our Hobby World? The best each of us can do is to keep our heads up, do not hold grudges, but take the necessary steps to limit it from happening.

On the guys side of the fence, we are able to see an obvious track record through reviews and researching our chosen Playmate through the search function. Some of us even use PMs between ourselves to confirm our thoughts about said Playmate. I have chosen wisely over the past 18 months. I have only had what I would call 3 legit NCNS done on me. Two of those was with a local Playmate in Tyler who had everything that I adored except TCB Skills. I had to call her out on it in my home area Coed Section. I would have loved to have seen her if she had improved. Turns out she has either disappeared all together or has gone UTR. The other NCNS was with a beautiful Goddess known as Ginger Fixxx on the first time we were to meet. I ended up writing a review on her a few days later based on how she handled her NCNS. It was amazing.

On the ladies side of the fence, you got to do your research. Make sure you are using the Powder Room, follow your Reference Check Policy to a "T" and even go so far as to have a conversation with the Reference as to what the guy is like. You need to find out more about the guy besides if he is LE or not. Even with all that, some jerks will still fall through the cracks. Don't spend time being made about it. If you do, you are giving them power over you. Use the opportunity to live, learn, and improve your check points!

I would encourage the ladies NOT to spend a lot of time talking with guys you have not seen before or have some type of business chemistry with. There is no reason for a guy to want to learn more about you before seeing you. Everything he needs to know he can learn through researching you. He can see your photos in your showcase. He can see your menu through your reviews. If you are active on the boards, he can learn a little about your attitude towards the hobby and clients. Now, once you get to know the hobbiest through a few visits, then you can make a business or personal decision on how much to communicate with him outside of appointment.

In the end, there are always new players (male and female) joining our hobby and just as many leaving it. The problem is that the older more mature people are leaving due to age. At some point, you get to were you can't play any longer. These older players that we are losing came from a generation of MANNERS ... common respect for the other person. The younger generation that is joining our hobby is part of the ME generation. As long as they are not inconvenience, then no foul.

I do wish you luck LehaLea. Find as many regulars as you can. Treat them right. Learn the ones you can trust. Give them a little extra special treatment that they feel no one else is getting. The more regulars you have, the less need you have for this riff-raff that will NCNS on your beautiful ass.