Hussein's long lost son...

Sickpuppy's Avatar
OK liar in chief, I want to hear you say "If I had a son he'd look just like this"....

AP conveniently avoided reporting on the leader of the perps. Guess the gang was just looking for any leftover confederate flags. You won't see this on the nightly news.
OK liar in chief, I want to hear you say "If I had a son he'd look just like this"....

AP conveniently avoided reporting on the leader of the perps. Guess the gang was just looking for any leftover confederate flags. You won't see this on the nightly news. Originally Posted by Sickpuppy
He just HAD to go back for his Daddy's (odummer ) phone !!! Wonder if any of them in the crowd of looters had an agenda, like WE1911 claims everyone has ? And pulling someone off of a motorized shopping cart ? What if someone had done that to one of THEIR Mothers or Grandmothers ?
Black Friday???
Sickpuppy's Avatar
No doubt CNN will report the other 49 were white protestant hetero kids protesting the latest SCOTUS decision.
Was it Uday? Ya know "Uday stealin' that Walmart shit?"
More of the Dindu Nuffin gang demonstrating what al Sharptounge and odummer encourage them to do !
More of the Dindu Nuffin gang demonstrating what al Sharptounge and odummer encourage them to do ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
More of Rey Dipshit demonstrating what a fucking racist dipshit he is.
OK liar in chief, I want to hear you say "If I had a son he'd look just like this"....

AP conveniently avoided reporting on the leader of the perps. Guess the gang was just looking for any leftover confederate flags. You won't see this on the nightly news. Originally Posted by Sickpuppy
Why be shocked at this type of behavior. When you have everyone from local prosecutors, mayors, and even a President telling these young people that they can pretty much do as they please

What would be the best definition for this young man.? Punk, Thug, or Criminal.?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Sounds like a hate crime to me.
More of Rey Dipshit demonstrating what a fucking racist dipshit he is. Originally Posted by WombRaider
So woomby / undercunt / rusty balloon knot / wanna-be jalapeno sucker, you are ok with the Dindu Nuffin gang going feral and looting a store and pulling someone off of a motorized shopping cart. Good to know, you lying cum guzzling liberal. There are a lot of retirees in my town and some of them actually SERVED their country and where injured and disabled in that service. But it's ok with you that they get bum rushed and throw off of the cart to the floor. Now we all know how you feel about the elderly, the disabled and veterans YOU LYIN FUCKING LIBERAL ! Some of the "old timers" down here pack heat with a concealed carry license. Why don't you come down here with your "homies" and try that shit here ? See how brave you all are when the lead starts flying your way from people that have a lot of firearms experience. And some of the women down here pack heat too. So they'll probably love to bust a cap into a lying liberal like you and break off their high heels in your well abused, sorry, lying liberal ass. GFY !!!!
So woomby / undercunt / rusty balloon knot / wanna-be jalapeno sucker, you are ok with the Dindu Nuffin gang going feral and looting a store and pulling someone off of a motorized shopping cart. Good to know, you lying cum guzzling liberal. There are a lot of retirees in my town and some of them actually SERVED their country and where injured and disabled in that service. But it's ok with you that they get bum rushed and throw off of the cart to the floor. Now we all know how you feel about the elderly, the disabled and veterans YOU LYIN FUCKING LIBERAL ! Some of the "old timers" down here pack heat with a concealed carry license. Why don't you come down here with your "homies" and try that shit here ? See how brave you all are when the lead starts flying your way from people that have a lot of firearms experience. And some of the women down here pack heat too. So they'll probably love to bust a cap into a lying liberal like you and break off their high heels in your well abused, sorry, lying liberal ass. GFY !!!! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Why would I ever get near where you are? I never said it was OK. I said you were a racist. Too much head banging against the gloryhole stalls has rendered you cock struck.
Why would I ever get near where you are? I never said it was OK. I said you were a racist. Too much head banging against the gloryhole stalls has rendered you cock struck. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Again you steal one of my slams on you and try to turn it around on me ! Can't even be original (not that you EVER were ! ) in coming back at me ! That wedding planning for your and shammy's "nuptials" must REALLY be putting a strain on you ! You can't decide who will were the dress or what type of frosting, the white " cream" or the "fudge" brown, your cake will have ? Get some of both, since your used to both !! And don't be getting the baker to make your penis shaped cake with any balls, since you two eunuchs don't even have one between the two of you. There woomby / undercunt / rusty balloon knot / wanna-be jalapeno sucker, problem solved !!