DesiLuv/pimp ran a scam on me

Be careful, all I can say is I'm a dumb ass .. Don't send him any money .. She is lying saying her phone got stole .. I have proof of all that's in saying , u have been warned!!!!
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-06-2016, 11:38 PM
Huh? Why do all these alerts start with "I'm a dumb ass" Details? links or why waste your time....
Uncle_Tony's Avatar
The average PIMP brain is only slightly larger than the brain in the little guy that we use to make many of our hobby decisions.

MORAL: Use your big head and not your little head.
Mojojo's Avatar
Not alert man! You fell for the oldest scam in the book. No need for the multiple postings.
I knew there had to pimp involved with this chick. I was going to meet her but when she asked me what kind of car I was driving I was like...why? WTF do you need to know that for? I then asked, "Aren't you in a hotel room so why do you need to know what type of car I'm driving. She responded that she likes to meet her clients in the parking lot to greet them and for her security. Really?!?!? I told her that a provider has never asked me for the type of car I was driving since I've been in the hobby. Then she stated that she can't see me since I wouldn't provide her my car information. must think I'm stupid..Goodbye! When she started to ask these types of questions, I turned my ass around and went back home.