Dallas SWOP and Sex Worker Rights

!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
Hey everybody,

It's me Morgan and I want to talk to you guys about the growing Sex Worker Rights movement. Dallas providers are very fortunate to operate in a place where the cops don't care and the clients wouldn't dare. LOL. Meaning we are clearly not a top priority of the DPD and the one thing we have on our clients is that EVERYONE knows that during an appointment, it is way more likely that the provider will do something crazy than the client. Every crazy bitch we have ridiculed over the years has re-enforced that for us. I'm not gonna say clients are a little afraid of us, I will say they tend to trend lightly in our presence.

This is a great place to work, but other places in America and especially around the world are not the same. Women like us that are found this to be a way to be independent and provide for ourselves and our families are suffering a lot of hardships for it. I'm not going to get that far into it, but it's deep you guys and some things need to change so that more women can wake up everyday knowing they will be able to work free from the threat of violence and discrimination.

The Sex Worker rights movement is growing around the country and the world and communities such as ours should learn about it and support it. There are several ways to show your support anonymously.

http://swop-dallas.org has a list of websites in the sidebar with a lot more information. They were interesting enough to hold my interest (especially the Global Network of Sex Worker Projects http://www.nswp.org/), so they might hold yours too. Thanks for reading!
ManSlut's Avatar
Be very careful what you wish for Morgan! Once the Government gets involved in regulating this business it can't be stopped or reversed and the Bureacracy and Red Tape will be overwhelming and out of control, prices would skyrocket and there would be less Hobbyists.
mrredcat43's Avatar
I'm with Manslut on this
There is a very clear distinction between decriminalizing sex work and legalizing/ regulating sex work. Most sex worker advocacy organizations are working towards decriminalization. I would think that at least some clients of sex workers would appreciate the ability to conduct business in less precarious and risky ways.

This past summer, Amnesty International decided to acknowledge the desires of many sex workers the world over and advocate for the decriminalization of all aspects of consensual adult sex work.
  • grean
  • 03-08-2016, 10:19 AM
I have heard a few girls on ECCIE say they have been busted around DFW. I'm not sure if those happened in suburbs surrounding Dallas or in the Dallas city limits.
I'm not certain of DPD'so priorities but.....

Especially considering we are in the heart of the bible belt and how the government is taking to train hotel staff and others to see signs of sex work, i.e large number of used condoms in the trash, it is VERY important to point out that there is a big possibility of being arrested.
!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
There is a very clear distinction between decriminalizing sex work and legalizing/ regulating sex work. Most sex worker advocacy organizations are working towards decriminalization. I would think that at least some clients of sex workers would appreciate the ability to conduct business in less precarious and risky ways.

This past summer, Amnesty International decided to acknowledge the desires of many sex workers the world over and advocate for the decriminalization of all aspects of consensual adult sex work. Originally Posted by Lena Duvall
Yes Lena, this is what I am talking about. It is important to learn more about the subject before weighing in on it. All I am doing is trying to encourage eccie members to do a little homework on it and support the sex worker rights movement.
!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
I have heard a few girls on ECCIE say they have been busted around DFW. I'm not sure if those happened in suburbs surrounding Dallas or in the Dallas city limits.
I'm not certain of DPD'so priorities but.....

Especially considering we are in the heart of the bible belt and how the government is taking to train hotel staff and others to see signs of sex work, i.e large number of used condoms in the trash, it is VERY important to point out that there is a big possibility of being arrested. Originally Posted by grean

Don't be a buzz kill please. I know it happens, but there are usually other factors involved.
  • grean
  • 03-08-2016, 02:26 PM

Didn't mean to be a buzz kill. I also didn't want some poor newbie to get in trouble because they saw a post and thought they could ease up on their screening practices in dallas.

swop is a great resource for ladies in the biz.
There is a very clear distinction between decriminalizing sex work and legalizing/ regulating sex work. Most sex worker advocacy organizations are working towards decriminalization. I would think that at least some clients of sex workers would appreciate the ability to conduct business in less precarious and risky ways.

This past summer, Amnesty International decided to acknowledge the desires of many sex workers the world over and advocate for the decriminalization of all aspects of consensual adult sex work. Originally Posted by Lena Duvall
Well said, Lovely!