Question - Photo request

black5uperman's Avatar
Ladies question:

Do you require photos from clients before sessions?

Guys question:

Are you ok with sending your photo?

I know personally I only ask for photos if there isnt on posted or on the bio page. I just asking because I was asked for one recently when trying to set appointment and thats a no go for me.
  • rogue
  • 01-30-2019, 03:38 PM
while not a lady-that is showing up more and more-as well as an Uber ride round trip. Personally not happy about it-but I understand it. And it helps get the lady mentally ready to meet a person and not just a surprise at the door. They have more to fear from the Uber guy then the client at times..
RoxyGfeATX's Avatar
The only time I might ask for a pic is during alternative screening for a newbie that has no references and is using a fake number app. But even then I prefer a quick video chat because anyone can send a fake pic. I haven't had any issues thusfar. "Knock on wood" But to each his own.
Automatic no in all situations. No session is worth sacrificing my anonymity and there more than enough women who will turn on you in a hot second that it's a valid concern. And that's assuming that there are no managers, "schedulers" and other people having access to their messages. Am I supposed to trust all these other potential people with my face or ID?

Plus a no review or warning people off in private would definitely result in some kind of retaliation. We already get retaliation but not on my doorstep. Hell I even had a picture taken of my license plate a few years ago and had someone try to quote my address to me.

I understand even those girls not seeking leverage feel more comfortable knowing what's coming but it's not worth the risk and I will tell any guy on here (even the WKs) not to do it or see the girls that ask. But more power to you.
Alexandra Sand's Avatar
I do ask for picture.

I ask for picture, whichever you are comfortable with.

I do screening. I contact providers and check on prospective gents. After all that is done, and before you will get my phone number, I will ask you to send me a picture. Most of the guys do that. I have seen pictures, where only the shoes are visible. I have seen pictures, from the bathroom, where the phone is right in a front of the face and guy is wearing big sweatshirt. You can get very creative with picture taking. You can take picture of a picture, and blur the details. You can put a flower in the front of your face and only show the outline of a body.

After verification and only when our date/time is set, I will text my pictures. Usually with my face hiding behind the phone.

The point of the picture, for me, is just a additional screening.
If you don't want to send any picture at all, I will arrange coffee visit in Starbucks. I want to see you before you will show up at my door. I want to ensure, that I will have a good time and you can get along with me.

Granted, I have more time to research and I am not desperate to meet everyone who contacts me.

Safety. Fun. Good Times.
I ask ladies to send pics of their med cabinets so I know what kind of crazy I'm dealing with🤔
CubanAva's Avatar
I ask for pictures for alt screening, you're coming to my home, you know where I lay my head and where I conduct my business, and I am not to have any information on you should you happen to harm me? On the boards others can confirm your identity should you happen to act up and can hold you accountable, that is not to say the same as a stranger off the street with a burner phone and no tracks to follow. Again, it is my HOME what would make that less of a danger to know than your identity? It's to hold you accountable for your interactions with me, not to potentially end my uncapped earning potential as a provider by attempting extortion and blackmail, both of which are illegal in and of their own and far more damaging than any reward success could possibly be.

I understand the desire to stay anonymous, which is why I refer gentlemen without references, to reference friendly ladies that provide screening they would be more comfortable with and then tell them to come back around to me. Everyone wins that way