Question about phone bill

For the technology savvy folks. How do you prevent a number or text from showing up on your cell phone bill. I’ve thought of google voice but the call still gets forwarded to your cell phone

Any suggestions?
nuglet's Avatar
yep, burner phone!
Take it from someone who's been on the receiving end with an angry wife after she saw text messages to me - play it safe and get a burner phone and forget all that other crap.
Agent220's Avatar
For the technology savvy folks. How do you prevent a number or text from showing up on your cell phone bill. I’ve thought of google voice but the call still gets forwarded to your cell phone

Any suggestions? Originally Posted by strokerace
If your significant other is looking through phone records chances are you are already caught and that person is looking for the final piece of evidence

Never understood why the SO tried to check the provider or 3rd wheel. Makes no sense.