Responding to References

  • Low-T
  • 02-06-2019, 08:28 AM

What is your take on giving requested info to another Provider? I just got nasty text from a provider I visited last week because I gave her name to another provider requesting references. And, the one complaining required references from me too. Is there a rule I am missing somewhere about submitting references? I find you all require them, but do you all respond to each other or just ignore each others' requests?
Neville’s Haze's Avatar
Don’t see her again. She doesn’t deserve your patronage.
It’s the cost of doing their business and keeping themselves and other ladies as safe as possible.
Call her out so all members male and female know who they are dealing with, so they can avoid wasting their time.
  • Low-T
  • 02-06-2019, 08:57 AM
This got me thinking, so I PM's my other references to get their take on it. One just answered and said she is tired of giving me references, doesn't want to see me again, and has blocked me. They want references, but don't want to give them. Damnedist thing I've ever seen!
  • Low-T
  • 02-06-2019, 08:58 AM
And to think I have written such good reviews about them. Wonder how much business they got from those reviews.
winn dixie's Avatar
These ladies here in Austin generally do a good job of taking care of their own. The non-reference friendly gals generally get called out.
These ladies here in Austin generally do a good job of taking care of their own. The non-reference friendly gals generally get called out. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Your statements couldn't be further from the truth.

The women who claim to be reference friendly are the same ones who go ballistic over the minutiae. Then they rant and complain non-stop and spam coed with a rambling thousand plus word reply.

The gals also don't generally get called out as you stated. They very seldom do. Keep in mind that they have personal information that can be used to out someone and they make it known in one way or the other. The gals also are not afraid to make up lies to smear his otherwise good reputation. It happens daily.
winn dixie's Avatar
Your statements couldn't be further from the truth.

The women who claim to be reference friendly are the same ones who go ballistic over the minutiae. Then they rant and complain non-stop and spam coed with a rambling thousand plus word reply.

The gals also don't generally get called out as you stated. They very seldom do. Keep in mind that they have personal information that can be used to out someone and they make it known in one way or the other. The gals also are not afraid to make up lies to smear his otherwise good reputation. It happens daily. Originally Posted by The Lawn Boy
I avoid the whole reference drama thing by using P411. 25 OK's, some by nationally recognized providers over the past 10 years generally expedites the verification process.

I had my first "no thanks" on P411. Newbie Austin provider said that I was "too old". My take was that she advertises PSE services but none of her reviews reflect that she actually delivers. About 50% of my OKs are from Porn Stars, so the newb probably thought she couldn't pull the upsale with me -

Just IMHO.
  • Low-T
  • 02-06-2019, 11:40 AM
I avoid the whole reference drama thing by using P411. 25 OK's, some by nationally recognized providers over the past 10 years generally expedites the verification process.

I had my first "no thanks" on P411. Newbie Austin provider said that I was "too old". My take was that she advertises PSE services but none of her reviews reflect that she actually delivers. About 50% of my OKs are from Porn Stars, so the newb probably thought she couldn't pull the upsale with me -

Just IMHO. Originally Posted by Anonymous01
P411 is a good place, but they are closed to new membership.

Update: I PM'd my other references to ask if they have a problem with me using them as a reference. One wrote back saying not to use her as a reference again, never request another appointment, and she blocked me on this site. Funny, no telling how much business she got from my positive report on her. They want references, but won't respond when another provider contacts them. I thought this reference thing was to help rule out LE traps. If you have visited a provider and didn't bust them, it is a good thing for the rest to know, isn't it?
P411 is a good place, but they are closed to new membership.

Update: I PM'd my other references to ask if they have a problem with me using them as a reference. One wrote back saying not to use her as a reference again, never request another appointment, and she blocked me on this site. Funny, no telling how much business she got from my positive report on her. They want references, but won't respond when another provider contacts them. I thought this reference thing was to help rule out LE traps. If you have visited a provider and didn't bust them, it is a good thing for the rest to know, isn't it? Originally Posted by Low-T
She's probably just upset and jealous that she isn't getting the money.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 02-06-2019, 12:07 PM
With the status of P411 in question perhaps it's time for both Eccie and OH2 to rethink the reference and verification process. If you write reviews those are linked to your profile so a Provider can see whom you've seen and when. From that point it's a matter of "credibility".

Of course that falls apart if you don't write reviews. In which case you'd need to get a "like" from a Provider.

With the current state of things your options are to pursue references or move on. But I certainly would add a note on your review indicating that the "reference required" Provider is not "reference friendly".
CubanAva's Avatar
I am reference friendly for gents I have recently seen or have seen on multiple occasions in the past. Reference checks are not only to verify that you are not LE but to also verify that the person matches the handle and to let us know that you behaved yourself properly. With that information you can see why your reviews mean absolutely nothing when it comes to what's generally viewed and accepted as verification.

P411 gives a description and the OKAY system requires that you verify its accuracy and that you did not have any safety concerns so it is a lot easier to accept it at face value rather than having to send a PM.

The unfortunate truth is that of what has been mentioned, some ladies do not provide references even though they require them and some do not provide unlimited references, which is understandable if you have only seen them once. Simply because after the first handful, you should have new references to vouche for you. It would workout better in your favor if you kept in touch or revisited them to show appreciation and to keep their memory of you fresh.

I hope that was helpful or at least gave some perspective.

PrettyBoyG's Avatar
Giving references are a waste of time and useless for me. I bet 80% of the time they don't reply back and I just move on. I use P411 or just wait until rent is due and the salmon run begin.
Excellent! +1

I am reference friendly for gents I have recently seen or have seen on multiple occasions in the past. Reference checks are not only to verify that you are not LE but to also verify that the person matches the handle and to let us know that you behaved yourself properly. With that information you can see why your reviews mean absolutely nothing when it comes to what's generally viewed and accepted as verification.

P411 gives a description and the OKAY system requires that you verify its accuracy and that you did not have any safety concerns so it is a lot easier to accept it at face value rather than having to send a PM.

The unfortunate truth is that of what has been mentioned, some ladies do not provide references even though they require them and some do not provide unlimited references, which is understandable if you have only seen them once. Simply because after the first handful, you should have new references to vouche for you. It would workout better in your favor if you kept in touch or revisited them to show appreciation and to keep their memory of you fresh.

I hope that was helpful or at least gave some perspective.

Xo Originally Posted by CubanAva
Low-T, you should let us know who these providers are. If there are providers who demand references, but wont give them out, we should know who they are so won't give them business.