Shelby will be away for a little while

Little Shelby Sinful is taking some time away from normal playing through the Holidays, probably into early spring.

I will still be available for email references, for both guys and girls, but may be a little slower to return than usual. I am eagerly awaiting a very special Holiday Season... I wish you all nothing but the very best, sexiest, nastiest, lustiest, most orgasmic, safest, and most fulfilling holiday season for yourselves!

I may not be working normally through the Holidays, but I encourage all of my fellow playmates to donate a portion of their extra hobby funds to their favorite Christsmas Child Charities. I had such a wonderful response last year, I am sad to not be able to do quite the same this year!

Until I am back full time, my most special friends will always know where to find me

Please Play Safe , Happy Thanksgiving , Merry Christmas , and a Very Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy holidays friend, and come back to us soon
Hope you have holidays Shelby!!!!!