Do you use the like button?

I think many more would use the like button often if it weren't so "time consuming" (a whole page refresh??? Ain't nobody got time for that!!! lol).

Anyway, the like button is a good voice for those who don't really like to post in coed.

Do or don't you, why or why don't you; hit the like button?

I do sometimes, but I'm going to start doing it more.

As it is now, it seems anonymous; however, I see it as being a good topic
analysis tool even if it weren't.


whispers, put the gavel down;
Claire, come out of your "man"hole. (good joke gone bad);
Wind, give us something to talk about;
F2C, give us something to polkabout;
DD, come bust your own balls;
Valentina, commence to rolling your eyes with a jerkoff jesture to match.

rockerrick,.... rockerrick???.... Damn, wth rockerrick!!!
The P remains silent ..... Miss ya already dood.

sixx, you get a pass bc you are in one of the best cities ever; but please come thru and give us a cream pie count.

Wtf is Scarlett yo! Hmmmmm. I'm thinking she snuck into sixx's luggage.
Ok now I'm pissed.


Or just click the like button.
... Something.

Seriously.. Refresh & all, I'm addicted to the like button. I'd like for there to be a dislike button as well.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 06-18-2015, 01:36 PM
I just did! And have in the past. I also try to "like" creative ads. This is SUPPOSED to be a fun thing, right?
Yes fun things!! More fun things!!! It is summer after all!

Yes, more social networks need dislike buttons.
I only see YouTube with the dislike option and I don't even use it enough.

Appeantly the like button has to be user friendly, and an in-your-face option.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Yes, I do and I'm not ashamed to admit that I "like" my own posts.
I usually wait until there is one showing. That way no one will think I'm the only "one" who does.
Lol, I never do that very same thing
FS_ITC's Avatar
I would use it...just hasn't been that much to "like" on here recently!
David.Douchehurst's Avatar

DD, come bust your own balls Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
Tha only way Ah'm gonna bust my own cojones is if'n yew swear ta kiss 'em afterwerds ta make 'em feel bettah.
I will do what ever I please with your balls.
Remember; your balls, are my balls.
Don't make me go all CSB on you!
(yet another good/bad joke )

I know Claire has some serious shade repellant tho!!
Let's get a taaan maaaaan!

Happy Summer Everyone!!!!

Let's not wait till the needy, greedy, loathed, depressing, obligatory, winter months to pretend to be happy!!!

The sun awaits you people lol.
Get you some vitamin D,
and then do get you some vitamin D, folks!!!

There should be a I-just-rolled-my-eyes-button.
fun2come's Avatar
I always forget, so few things to LIKEabout...

Mostly in AD section

or when forced by whoever holds the Polkastick:
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 06-18-2015, 11:10 PM
Maybe we need another type of button?

I would you the like button all the time if they would put it on the mobile version.