Question for the CIP folks

Beside the obvious risks associated with being Catholic, you mongers ever worry about knocking a kgal up? I wouldn't want a junior running around. Perhaps this is an unfounded concern.
Solid_Latino's Avatar
Beside the obvious risks associated with being Catholic, you mongers ever worry about knocking a kgal up? I wouldn't want a junior running around. Perhaps this is an unfounded concern. Originally Posted by rogerstone
You are alittle late for that buddy cause a lot of us already have a few running around
Funny stuff !
nightr's Avatar
This is one of the many reasons I will never do one of those DNA test. Also because of my situation finding a relative with a similar match wouldn't do them any good (for all years before the snip). While I have no knowledge of this I would suspect they would have something like an IUD.
Al Gorithm's Avatar
I'm cut so I don't worry about kids. I don't go raw with providers anyway though. I do have a SB that I fill up on the reg though.
Naw. They're professionals and I highly doubt they would want to get pregnant to begin with. I don't even think they would want a kid from one of us weirdos, either. I've only seen like two other mongers in my time hobbying and they weren't exactly studs, not that I'm saying I am. If they did decide to have the child for whatever reason I don't think they would want the kid to have anything to do with us given the circumstances. Sleep soundly at night.
Funny story, i had a nightmare about this very topic, needless to say im grateful that it was only a dream. I'm younger than most here and have a decent income, i dont see myself taking that bbfs risk, i have too much to lose.
I'm cut so I don't worry about kids. I don't go raw with providers anyway though. I do have a SB that I fill up on the reg though. Originally Posted by Al Gorithm
SB & provider = same difference
BigBamboo's Avatar
I have at least a dozen bastard children… and counting. Haha!
Lol nothing wrong with trying go Nick Cannon
Chung Tran's Avatar
Not bothered. I figure that's one more potential opponent of Kim Jong Un.
Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
Why would you think these K girls would not be on any type of birth control in this business???
If this happened to me, I would marry her and raise the child, as long as she quit the business..
Big b.o.b.1's Avatar
I’m not worried about it, I’ve only CIP with these girls one time, it’s much more satisfying for me to see her on her knees next to the big mirror blowing me and taking every drop
They're on birth control and since this is a professional gig, they're getting checkups.
BigBamboo's Avatar
Good point J-Anus!
Doug4343's Avatar
In an amp, I used to see a half Asian half Caucasian girl, probably about 3 maybe 4 years old. I always wondered which one of you was the father. I’ve been snipped for a long long time so I never worried about it. But I’m old enough that I actually hobbies before HIV in the legal brothels in Nevada. BBFS was standard and it was $40, I wasn’t snipped then, so maybe I have a few kids running around from those days.