Local SB/SD Info

I know there's a section for this in the main areas, but there really isn't any info on there about the area. Has anyone had any success finding sugar babies in the area? I've tried Sugardaddy4me and seekingarrangement and they both seem pretty dry.
PresleyPassion's Avatar
Have you tried established men? Im not sure if there are any sb out that way.. maybe look in the closest cities near you?
Whispers's Avatar
I've pulled three gals out of the valley to Austin for weekends.

I've let them know upfront that i'll spring for the room and reimburse them for the transportation (gas or a bus ticket in one case) if we clicked and went farther than a meet and greet.

In each case there was a lot of preliminary conversation as I almost never guarantee a girl anything up front. It was pretty much a sure thing before they got here.

There are ladies interested....

Distance proved the issue for me in each of these three cases because of my desired frequency but I did see a gal 3 separate weekends for the cost of entertaining her each time and I bought her a couple of outfits.

My current GF of 29 months was in Laredo when we made contact. That evolved into something outside the SB arena.

I was on a "Latina Quest" at the time.

A quick search of 50 mile radius around Corpus on SA showed 47 active in the last month under the age of 25

Texas A&M Kingsville is not a bad hunting ground.