Mtg on 60 minutes

Holy shit let the Georgia ignorance show
Just another example of why the gop doesn't want Americans educated

Her and trumpy are the dems best friends. Sprouting ignorance and to stupid to know it. Putin n China are loving it

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
It's funny. If you pay attention, you'll learn something and you call her ignorant. Think of how ignorant you are then.
A very very very far away from mega intelligents. Trumpy drained the swamp and shoveled out his mega supporters. They don't need no education and prove it 24/7/365

And...of course the batshit crazy bottle of cheap peroxide did not disappoint. Only die hard desperate megas could still believe her shit.

One of dems best friends. Keep on slopping and talking mtg!!!
... She was GREAT on there, wasn't she? ...

Surely called the Dems right out AS THEY ARE!

Lesley Stahl was stumbling and fumbling there in the interview
- even askin' MTG to repeat what she said - SO SHE DID!

Lesley Stahl is a bitter disgrace to "60 Minutes"...
Ask me why and I'll tell you.

#### Salty
I learned that Green is a real idiot. She’s not faking it. Dumb as bricks would be a compliment for her.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I see what the OP is worried about here: Severe dehydration. Yep! The obvious solution is for the whole TDS, TDS, Orange Man Bad, TDS, TDS crowd to stock up on bottled water and lots of it, because a Trump/MTG ticket will cause uncontrollable projectile diarrhea, from both ends, for them and it could easily last for four years, five if you count the election season - minimum,

As a helpful side effect, they would also have to forgo trying to go directly after Trump once he wins as that would leave MTG as the fill in - kinda like the way Obammy-Lammy-Ding-Dong used F Joe Biden as a life insurance policy, aka human shield. Who sez winning ain't fun?!?

I approve this message!

lustylad's Avatar
I learned that Green is a real idiot. She’s not faking it. Dumb as bricks would be a compliment for her. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Is she as dumb as this?

Her (sic) and trumpy are the dems (sic) best friends. Sprouting (sic) ignorance and to (sic) stupid to know it. Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Looks like the OP is trying hard to make my sig line.
Love it!!! Lie lie lie divert divert divert blame blame blame. That's how megas have to be...and of course stay off topics they can never defend

At least I smarts enough to stay on tropics and fuck with pissed off
. megas. Fishing with a bait less hook

lustylad's Avatar
... what's a "mega"?

I just googled it and here's what I found:


/ (ˈmɛɡə) /

slang extremely good, great, or successful

Hmmm... I don't know about you, but to me that sounds like something everyone should aspire to.
humans are limited in the amount of cognitive resources upon which they rely

they adopt certain axiomatic foundational premises, from family, associates, teachers, from those who hold powers over them in advancements, and from others, in an operant conditioning

people allocate the limited resources they have of perceiving, comprehending and remembering to impactful things and to situations that confront them most often

they adopt foundations, and allocate resources in ways that aid their daily lives, until there is nothing to consider but that which they and their associates have always considered

this happens repeatedly until everyone they know thinks like they think, for they think like everyone else (they know) thinks

there is nothing right but what they view as right

for such who are "journalists" every question asked is presupposed with a premise solely based in their reflexive lives

and every answer given that is discordant with their learned answer is nescient

and that is precisely why conditioned ignoramuses like leslie stahl roll their eyes
Could simply be that Green is a dumbass and the answers she provides are so stupid an eye roll is the only response aside from say “green, you’re a dumbass”.
The whole interview mtg was in her bat shit crazy rant as always.S mart people could tell by Stahl's look that this certifiable clueless biotch really is for real.
America got to see just how fucked up mtg's gop is. Great ad for the dems. They could never buy an ad that great. Come on 2024 and big big thanks to 60 minutes. That's how it's done by huge main stream media. Itty-bitty faux "cable" news lol

MEga means "ME great again" when trumpy says it. He doesnt give a shit about America. It's just show ME the money
and butt fucking his supporters

It's fun fishing with no bait
lustylad's Avatar
MEga means "ME great again" when trumpy says it. Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Thanks for clarifying. Now make sure in future you spell it as MEga or else everyone will assume you mean mega.

Btw - does anyone have a link to the 60 Minutes interview?
How bout I spell it FU.

Getting back on the batshit crazy topic again. Mtg will lead protest for the criminal orange mushroom's arrest

Doesn't the gop party she leads have a late budget or something else she could scream and holler about

Just more awesome ads for the dems from the do nothing reds