Tips and tricks

Lol, not those kinds of tricks!

I'm a HUGE fan of Pinterest, and I found what may possibly be the greatest thing since sliced bread on there the other day: how to sift the unpopped kernels out of a microwave bag of popcorn. You know how the bag has a slight opening to vent the steam? When it's finished popping, flip the bag upside down and shake out the unpopped kernels through that opening. Genius, right?!?! And it works!

Anyone else have any good tips or tricks?
nuglet's Avatar
you microwave regular corn (3-4 min) in the husk, THEN cut off the butt end of the corncobb and slide the complete, cooked ear, out of the husk, silk and all. Voila!!!! cooked corn, and no hassles with the corn silk.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
To fit two small plates or bowls in the microwave place one on top of a coffee cup...
Luvdatpuddy's Avatar
Peel hard boiled eggs under running cold water. That nasty inner membrane falls right off. Or, to peel a banana, mash your thumb down on the non-stem end - the peel practically falls off.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 11-03-2013, 05:31 PM
If you keep those microwave popcorn bags in the fridge more of the kernals will pop.
WD-40 gets out lipstick but don't use on whites. It will leave a ring.
Trip's Avatar
  • Trip
  • 11-06-2013, 09:33 PM
GneissGuy's Avatar
WD-40 gets out lipstick but don't use on whites. It will leave a ring. Originally Posted by Jessie Austin
Gee, I was thinking that it was probably a bad idea to put WD-40 on your lips or other body parts.

Then I woke up and realized you're talking getting it out of clothes.

I suspect WD-40 on the bat and balls would be an experience you wouldn't want to repeat.
A teaspoon of cooking oil, in a pot of boiling pasta or potatoes will keep it from foaming and boiling over.
Smizing is the best trick I ever learned.

Let's see what else. Running your freshly painted nails under cold water to flash-dry them. When putting pillow cases on, turn them inside out...put your arm all the way in at the corner, grab the corner of the pillow, then hug the corners toward you while flipping the fabric down. Easy peasy. Martha Stewart says you can fold fitted sheets, but she's a liar.
GneissGuy's Avatar
How about hobby related tips and tricks?

Put a little Scope mouthwash on the bat and balls before a session. "Gee, your dick tastes great."

I haven't had any actual feedback from the ladies on this trick. Any ladies have a comment?

Guys, experiment very carefully with this idea, especially if you use something other than scope brand mouthwash. It sort of stings just a little if you get it on certain spots, but it isn't that bad. Other mouthwash may leave you with a bad case of firesack.

Any other hobby tricks?

As for non-hobby tricks, I like the shirt folding trick.

If you need to reheat or cook something that's been frozen for too long, or is otherwise likely to be dry, put it in a microwave save bowl with a cover and a little water in the bottom. The steam will help it come out moist.

Obviously, this only works for certain foods.
You actually sit around your home trying different mouthwashes on your cock?
Dude get out of your house!

Now that's a good tip.
onei's Avatar
  • onei
  • 11-09-2013, 11:04 PM
WD-40 gets out lipstick but don't use on whites. It will leave a ring. Originally Posted by Jessie Austin
Will WD-40 get lipstick off my pecker?
h0rnd0g's Avatar
$7.98 at Home Depot for 32oz

Zippo Lighter Fluid
$8.52 at Amazon for 12oz

They are the same thing, just marketed differently. In fact naphtha is marketed under about 50 names, for example Goof Off:

VP&M Naptha is the cheapest way to buy it, if you like Zippo lighters and need to keep them fueled.