Incall at her place

What's the consensus on bringing a client to your apartment? Ladies, do you ever allow appointments at home? Is it too risky to chance? Gents, have you been to a provider's residence? Good or bad experiences?

This might be a silly thread, but I'm clueless and need advice. Sure beats paying for a hotel room but new dangers certainly arise.
PAPA JOE's Avatar
sweetheart, that's a risky thing to do. i would advise you against it, at least until you have met and had a few appointments with the man. always keep your safety in mind, there are a lot of good men out there, but by the same token there are some dangerous men out there too.

but to answer your question, yes i have been to several ladies homes / apartments.
At the same time I would be very aprehensive about going to a ladies home/ apartment if I had not met her previously. Also when it comes to Hotels / Motels there are a few around that are preferencial to me that are reasonable priced, not in dangerous areas or in high traffic or populated areas. By the way, welcome to the town beautiful ! I hope you enjoy the gomery.
jim2008's Avatar
100% agree to papa joe.
DallasRain's Avatar
I use my place as incall...but I screen very thouroughly!

I also live in a place that is very "discrete" as far as naighbors & landlord go....also i am low volume only seeing 4 or 5 gents a week...

{I also do an occassional outcall to change up things a bit}
EZRider's Avatar
Danielle, I agree with Papa Joe 100%. It is very risky and I would discourage the practice until you know the person well.

To your question, I have and still do visit friends at their home. They were mostly good experiences. But I have been placed in uncomfortable situations a few times over the years.
sweetheart, that's a risky thing to do. i would advise you against it, at least until you have met and had a few appointments with the man. always keep your safety in mind, there are a lot of good men out there, but by the same token there are some dangerous men out there too. Originally Posted by PAPA JOE
100% agree to papa joe. Originally Posted by jim2008
Danielle, I agree with Papa Joe 100%. It is very risky and I would discourage the practice until you know the person well. Originally Posted by EZRider
I think the consensus has spoken. If you have met with a gentleman several times and trust him (or if he has a lot of references and comes Highly Recommended, lol), then the convenience and cost savings of an apartment makes sense for both parties. If it's a new customer who you don't know or haven't heard much about, stick with hotels.

Not sure I added much from what has already been said.

A real psychopath will wait until he has your confidence before he strikes,and it may or may not be physical.It may be emotional such as letting your family know of your activities.Just having seen someone several times is no guarantee.You only have to be wrong once..

Also even an honest friendship can sour and lead to stalking and other problems.

Nope ,business is business and the cost of a room is just a cost of doing is money well-spent if it buys your safety and privacy.

Regards,Clyde B.
I agree with clyde. There are to many weird people out there who can come up with some elaborate plans. Always be safe, and separate the business and personal.
I refuse to visit in my home, I actually had a client I have been seeing for years get pissed because of it. We don't visit any more now because he was so insistent. I live in a house and have neighbors, I sure don't need them suspecting anything. Not to mention the fact that I have children. I wouldn't endanger myself or my kids like that but thats just my opinion. But thats just me, I think most providers lives aren't quite as complex as mine for me its a delicate balancing act trying to live a normal life and still provide.
I agree with all the posts above. Please don't do that. If it was me, I wouldn't even stay in the same hotel room where I did an incall. Just too risky for the purpose of saving a couple of bucks.
Thanks for all the words of wisdom! Duly noted!
If he comes to your house, a savy computer detective will know your real name, your families names, prior work history, criminal bacground, credit problems, businesses u own, marriages and divorces, just to name a few. U really want that kind of info out there?
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
I have gone to a lady's house and I've had ladies come to mine. The key, if you choose to do this, is being comfortable with the person you are inviting - and I mean being VERY comfortable with that person.

topsgt38801's Avatar
I agree with JAG, I have been to some ladies houses, but you must really do your homework and screening and have several communications with the person to get a feel for them. I had one lady that outcalled with me one time before she would agree to incall at her place.

This is a hobby or business that has many inherant risks associated with it and that is the reason for diligent research on both sides to minimize the risk. If you feel comfortable with someone after a good screening and several calls or PM's, it could be as safe as doing an outcall, but there is never a 100% no risk factor in doing what we all enjoy.

Whatever you decide, you go with your gut feeling and do what you feel safest with.
