NYTimes trashes Clinton Foundation - maybe Hillary won't be President after all...

Well, this can't be good:


Looks like the Clinton family has been playing fast and loose with their "foundation".

Lead quote:
On Wednesday, the New York Times ran a blistering investigative report revealing the Clinton Foundation as a nonprofit rife with crony capitalist conflicts of interest and multi-million dollar deficits despite raking in at least $492 million from 1997 to 2007.

In 2007 and 2008, the Clinton Foundation, which is soon to be renamed the “Bill, Hillary, & Chelsea Clinton Foundation,” ran a $40 million deficit. Last year, it ran a deficit of over $8 million despite the Foundation and two subsidiaries generating $214 million in revenues.

Hillary Clinton plans to relocate her offices to the Foundation’s Manhattan headquarters in the weeks to come. Former White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said Clinton planned to use the Foundation as a “launching pad into 2016,” a reference to her potential presidential run.
Damn. That's a shit load of money.

And the NY Times of all press "organs" is doing the expose. Looks like they are turning on the Clintons.

Here is the link to the NY Times article:


I don't understand why they are running deficits, though. Why don't they just give Hillary $1 million in seed money and let her invest it in the commodities market and turn it into $100 million in one year.

I mean, she's gotten a 10,000 percent return before, right? Should be easy to do it again.
It's an indication how she would govern; fast and lose with others money......

corruption and cronyism is what we would get from a clinton presidency !
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-14-2013, 03:11 PM

the person being questioned is Willie btw
This kind of shit has a shelf-life of a few months. It's way too complicated to reduce to a 30 second sound bite that the average voter is going to give a shit about. Even if they did, and the issues could be explained in a way that is understandable to the average voter, nobody is going to care in 3 years buddy. The electorate forgets what politicans did 6 months ago. And, as CJ points out, it doesn't look like Hillary has even been involved in it in any serious way up to this point.

Shit, the republicans can't even get anybody to care about an alleged scandal that resulted in American deaths. You think they are going to give a shit about this? Nobody but wonks.
Wrong Again CBJ

............the foundation is known as the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation. From their web site:

Today, through the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation, Clinton continues to build on the nonprofit work she began nearly four decades ago. The Clinton Foundation works to improve global health, strengthen economies, promote health and wellness, and protect the environment by fostering partnerships among businesses, governments, nongovernmental organizations, and private citizens.

She is very much a part of the shenanigans going on at the Clinton Foundation !

But hell, WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE ????????????


the person being questioned is Willie btw Originally Posted by CJ7
It's an indication how she would govern; fast and lose with others money......

corruption and cronyism is what we would get from a clinton presidency ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
This is what rich greedy criminals do. They use seemingly legitimate means as a front for their criminal dealings.. It's sort of like the organized crime family using a Pizza Parlor in Chicago as a front to back room deals ect. Iam sure you catch my drift. Don't you know if she runs for president she'll have a well rehearsed script to dance around these types of issues if they happen to get in her way. Vote for Clinton? Never.
Wrong Again CBJ

............the foundation is known as the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation. From their web site:

Today, through the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation, Clinton continues to build on the nonprofit work she began nearly four decades ago. The Clinton Foundation works to improve global health, strengthen economies, promote health and wellness, and protect the environment by fostering partnerships among businesses, governments, nongovernmental organizations, and private citizens.

She is very much a part of the shenanigans going on at the Clinton Foundation !

But hell, WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE ????????????

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Let the lying and spinning begin. Read the article dumbass. She hasn't had much involvement according to the NYT. She's getting ready to get involved is the way I read it.

I'm guessing she'll run for cover now.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The NYT shows Hildabeast as pretty involved.

This kind of shit has a shelf-life of a few months. It's way too complicated to reduce to a 30 second sound bite that the average voter is going to give a shit about. Even if they did, and the issues could be explained in a way that is understandable to the average voter, nobody is going to care in 3 years buddy. The electorate forgets what politicans did 6 months ago. And, as CJ points out, it doesn't look like Hillary has even been involved in it in any serious way up to this point.

Shit, the republicans can't even get anybody to care about an alleged scandal that resulted in American deaths. You think they are going to give a shit about this? Nobody but wonks. Originally Posted by timpage
Actually, I think it will be reduced to 30 second sound bites quite easily.

First by Democratic primary opponents and then by the GOP if she makes it that far.

The 30 second sound bites don't have to be complete explanations - or accurate for that matter. They just have to get across a central message - the Clintons are crooks who are up to their old shenanigans. This time they are scamming donors and avoiding taxes.

Then the Clintons can waste untold hours defending themselves and rebutting the accusations. Death by a thousand cuts.

The NYT shows Hildabeast as pretty involved.

http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2...=politics&_r=0 Originally Posted by I B Hankering
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-14-2013, 04:13 PM
Actually, I think it will be reduced to 30 second sound bites quite easily.

First by Democratic primary opponents and then by the GOP if she makes it that far.

The 30 second sound bites don't have to be complete explanations - or accurate for that matter. They just have to get across a central message - the Clintons are crooks who are up to their old shenanigans. This time they are scamming donors and avoiding taxes.

Then the Clintons can waste untold hours defending themselves and rebutting the accusations. Death by a thousand cuts. Originally Posted by ExNYer

that be the case , they should go to jail
LexusLover's Avatar
It's way too complicated to reduce to a 30 second sound bite that the average voter is going to give a shit about. Even if they did, and the issues could be explained in a way that is understandable to the average voter, nobody is going to care in 3 years buddy.

The electorate forgets what politicans did 6 months ago. And, as CJ points out, it doesn't look like Hillary has even been involved in it in any serious way up to this point.

Shit, the republicans can't even get anybody to care about an alleged scandal that resulted in American deaths. You think they are going to give a shit about this? Nobody but wonks. Originally Posted by timpage
This is the basis for the liberal "success" .. the "average voter" is too dumb to understand, and they can be "explained in a way that is understandable to the average voter" ... and anyway in 3 years none of those "average voters" will give a shit about these scandals.

And some on here have the audacity to accuse me of being condescending and arrogant.

All the information one needs on the FoundationGate scandal is contained in Hellarious's closet in ...

......... shoe boxes!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-14-2013, 04:20 PM
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-14-2013, 04:27 PM
Wrong Again CBJ

............the foundation is known as the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation. From their web site:

Today, through the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation, Clinton continues to build on the nonprofit work she began nearly four decades ago. The Clinton Foundation works to improve global health, strengthen economies, promote health and wellness, and protect the environment by fostering partnerships among businesses, governments, nongovernmental organizations, and private citizens.

She is very much a part of the shenanigans going on at the Clinton Foundation !

But hell, WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE ????????????

Originally Posted by Whirlaway

The name was changed in 2013 .. Willie has been answering questions with his lawyers for weeks, Hillary wasn't there.
All during 2015, every attack ad against the Hidebeast will end with, "what does it matter".

But the reality is, to about 52 percent of the voters, it doesn't.