Never Forget the Cost of Human Life!

HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
Remember how protestors died to contest a war:

Never forget "Ohio".
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Uhhh Deb, only two of the four that were killed were protesters. They were just students in the wrong place and the wrong time. None of the organizers of the protest were injuried as usual.

So what does this have to do about anything? That happened in May (this is August), in Ohio (this is Kansas/Missouri/Texas), and in 1970. I appreciate what you are trying to say but I have to respond by pointing out how many soldiers, firemen, and policemen had died safe guarding your liberties, property, and lives. How about remembering them?

If you really want to know more then I suggest Kent State by James Michener
JCM800's Avatar
maybe she's a Neil Young fan
LexusLover's Avatar
She does look hot in thigh highs, though!!!!
Uhhh Deb, only two of the four that were killed were protesters. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Uhhh, JD Idiot, I don't have a dog in this pissing match but you seem to be trying to make a case that her argument doesn't add up due to the fact that "only two of the four killed were protestors." (Your exact words, not mine) What about the other two who were killed? Or did that fact go over your pointy little head!

It is common knowledge that JD Idiot is not known for being the sharpest knife in the drawer. In fact, quite the opposite.
Uhhh, JD Idiot, I don't have a dog in this pissing match but you seem to be trying to make a case that her argument doesn't add up due to the fact that "only two of the four killed were protestors." (Your exact words, not mine) What about the other two who were killed? Or did that fact go over your pointy little head!

It is common knowledge that JD Idiot is not known for being the sharpest knife in the drawer. In fact, quite the opposite. Originally Posted by bigtex
BigKotex, you should read the OP before automatically scrolling down to see who you can insult and comment in such an idiotic way. The OP stated "Remember how protestors died to contest a war", not mentioning anyone else who died, thus making one assume all the dead were protesters. It follows then, that JD was exactly correct in correcting her.

A dullard like you should be the last one to be comparing the sharpness of others' knives...
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-15-2013, 09:19 AM
Uhhh Deb, only two of the four that were killed were protesters. They were just students in the wrong place and the wrong time. None of the organizers of the protest were injuried as usual.

So what does this have to do about anything? That happened in May (this is August), in Ohio (this is Kansas/Missouri/Texas), and in 1970. I appreciate what you are trying to say but I have to respond by pointing out how many soldiers, firemen, and policemen had died safe guarding your liberties, property, and lives. How about remembering them?

If you really want to know more then I suggest Kent State by James Michener Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I often do not completelt agree with your posts, but they are ususlly thought out and worth reading. This time I think you are being far to critical. Of course other peolpe have died who are worth remembering.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-15-2013, 09:20 AM
BigKotex, you should read the OP before automatically scrolling down to see who you can insult and comment in such an idiotic way. The OP stated "Remember how protestors died to contest a war", not mentioning anyone else who died, thus making one assume all the dead were protesters. It follows then, that JD was exactly correct in correcting her.

A dullard like you should be the last one to be comparing the sharpness of others' knives... Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN
On the other hand your posts rarely have any redeaming social value.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-15-2013, 10:09 AM
BigKotex, you should read the OP before automatically scrolling down to see who you can insult and comment in such an idiotic way. The OP stated "Remember how protestors died to contest a war", not mentioning anyone else who died, thus making one assume all the dead were protesters. It follows then, that JD was exactly correct in correcting her.

A dullard like you should be the last one to be comparing the sharpness of others' knives... Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN

JD correcting someone ... TFF

he seems willing to point out mistakes as long as someone else makes them ... even as minimal as this one was ..
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Loosen your hat band Tex. I am not being hypercritical but I do like precision even if it is hard to achieve at 2 AM. I could not allow Deb to continue to believe that EVERYONE killed or wounded at Kent State that day was involved in the protest. That is one of the great lies of that era. The peace movement was a small movement consisting of a minority of the the students. The survivors of the 60s would like you to believe that EVERYONE was protesting, EVERYONE was smoking dope, and EVERYONE was some sort of hippy. The truth is that they were a very vocal minority.

Maybe Tex doesn't like to hear that but he said absolutely nothing to refute what I said as usual. Maybe he thinks he will get into those tight jeans if he plays the WK. I don't know his motivation but I know the motivations of the little dogs that followed behind.
On the other hand your posts rarely have any redeaming social value. Originally Posted by Old-T
Thanks for the feedback, OT, good to know you're reading my stuff. Maybe it'll broaden your horizons, even at your advanced age. You seem a bit prickly today?? Just strap on your Depends and try to make the best of it, alright?? You can do it!!!!

(P.S.- SpellCheck is your friend...)
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-15-2013, 11:20 AM
Loosen your hat band Tex. I am not being hypercritical but I do like precision even if it is hard to achieve at 2 AM. I could not allow Deb to continue to believe that EVERYONE killed or wounded at Kent State that day was involved in the protest. That is one of the great lies of that era. The peace movement was a small movement consisting of a minority of the the students. The survivors of the 60s would like you to believe that EVERYONE was protesting, EVERYONE was smoking dope, and EVERYONE was some sort of hippy. The truth is that they were a very vocal minority.

Maybe Tex doesn't like to hear that but he said absolutely nothing to refute what I said as usual. Maybe he thinks he will get into those tight jeans if he plays the WK. I don't know his motivation but I know the motivations of the little dogs that followed behind. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

you like precision eh ?

good to know .. anytime you offer anything less I'll b sure and remind you.
In the interest of "precision"..............

The anti-war movement (it wasn't a peace movement) was NOT was widely supported, well organized and well had broad support across the country, across all classes and across ethnic lines.................the anti war voice was loud, strong and supported...and it got larger with every day the war went on.

........The peace movement was a small movement consisting of a minority of the the students..... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
BigKotex, you should read the OP before automatically scrolling down to see who you can insult and comment in such an idiotic way. The OP stated "Remember how protestors died to contest a war", not mentioning anyone else who died, thus making one assume all the dead were protesters. It follows then, that JD was exactly correct in correcting her.

A dullard like you should be the last one to be comparing the sharpness of others' knives... Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN
I didn't assume it. And, since we're being all picky, where does the OP indicate in any way that her post relates to the two kids who were shot down that weren't participating in the protest?

It's a perfect example of the Professor trying to be professorial....and, instead just looking silly and nit-pickish. Now, you've boarded that short bus too.